Am 02.12.2017 um 21:35 schrieb Nix:
On 2 Dec 2017, Reindl Harald outgrape:
Am 02.12.2017 um 14:19 schrieb Nix:
If RAID-5 and RAID-6 had no benefits at all over RAID-10 it is unlikely
they would still be in wide use. They are, even for new installations,
because they truly do offer benefits for some use cases. They may not
for yours, but that doesn't mean they don't for anyone
yes, when you need far more than 8 TB...
I can't figure out whether you're castigating people who need more than
8TiB, castigating people who need less, applauding people who need more
than 8TiB, applauding people who need less, saying that people who need
more than 8TiB should use RAID 10, saying that people who need more
should use RAID 6, or *what*. All I can tell is that you want to be as
unpleasant as possible while saying it. (I suspect this ambiguity is
intentional, so that no matter what people assume you meant, you can
flame them for not interpreting it the other way.)
i don't castigating anybody - it's simply always about price, size,
performance and redundancy level and since disk sizes and their prices
as well as technology changes there is no definite answer - but
*currently* up to 8 TB storage is doable with *any* raid level without
spend many thousands of money
for storgae sizes up to 8 TB *these days* you get away with 4 disks
which are not that expensive, if you need 100 TB the overhead of needed
disks will simply kill you in context of price
and for performance you have practically the same "problems" to solve,
small-to-middle arrays with SSD and RAID10 are possible, for middle
large arrays you can reach similar performance with RAID10 and HHD by
just use more drives
But then that's not surprising because you've morphed again to try to
escape from people's killfiles. Back you go into mine, *yet again*
i could not care less about you - seriously
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