[This is a resend, as plain text and with reduced size attachment...] Following some excitement with my 4yo+ controller I acquires a new one. I now want to upgrade the fw from IR to IT. I did some reading, which suggests the process is simple and straight forward - if I am lucky. The issue seems to be that the flashing program does not run on all mobos. I think that my server (Intel BOXDH77KC) is not booting UEFI. Anyway, I plan to do the upgrade elsewhere, probably on my workstation (Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R). Both are rather old and will be upgraded within a year. I decided to give it a test. I disconnected the (only) disk it has and installed the LSI controller. [No problem here except that using the on-board VGA video (until now I used an add-on video card) I see that the letters q-z do not show properly in FreeDOS, but are OK during POST] I started reading here: https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/tutorial-updating-ibm-m1015-lsi-9211-8i-firmware-on-uefi-systems.11462/ where one needs to switch between UEFI and DOS mode. Probably unsuitable for me. I then proceeded here http://brycv.com/blog/2012/flashing-it-firmware-to-lsi-sas9211-8i/ where the blog mentions some hurdles along the way. I used files from two packages: LSI-9211-8i.zip 9211-8i_Package_P20_IR_IT_FW_BIOS_for_MSDOS_Windows.zip Booted OK from a FreeDOS 1.2 USB disk. Ran 'sas2flsh.exe -list' and got the attached screen. Seems to me that this worked. At least I did not get the ERROR: Failed to initialize PAL. Exiting program. message, in which case I would need to use the efi mode flasher. Q1) Does this mean that I am clear to proceed? Now I am ready to do a flash erase followed by a flash program. However, LSI warns that a failure after the erase and before the program will leave a dead (unrecoverable) card. Q2) How do I check that I can safely do BOTH steps? TIA -- Eyal Lebedinsky (eyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) -- Eyal Lebedinsky (eyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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