Giuseppe> my situation is the following: I have a small 4-disk JBOD that I use Giuseppe> to hold a RAID6 software raid setup controlled by mdraid (currently Giuseppe> Debian version 3.4-4 on Linux kernel 4.7.8-1 Giuseppe> I've had sporadic resets of the JBOD due to a variety of reasons Giuseppe> (power failures or disk failures —the JBOD has the bad habit of Giuseppe> resetting when one disk has an I/O error, which causes all of the Giuseppe> disks to go offline temporarily). Please toss that JBOD out the window! *grin* Giuseppe> When this happens, all the disks get kicked from the RAID, Giuseppe> as md fails to find them until the reset of the JBOD is Giuseppe> complete. When the disks come back online, even if it's just Giuseppe> a few seconds later, the RAID remains in the failed Giuseppe> configuration with all 4 disks missing, of course. Giuseppe> Normally, the way I would proceed in this case is to unmount Giuseppe> the filesystem sitting on top of the RAID, stop the RAID, Giuseppe> and then try to start it again, which works reasonably well Giuseppe> (aside from the obvious filesystem check that is often Giuseppe> needed). Giuseppe> The thing happened again a couple of days ago, but this time Giuseppe> I tried re-adding the disks directly when they came back Giuseppe> online, using mdadm -a and confident that since they _had_ Giuseppe> been recently part of the array, the array would actually go Giuseppe> back to work fine —except that this is not the case when ALL Giuseppe> disks were kicked out of the array! Instead, what happened Giuseppe> was that all the disks were marked as 'spare' and the RAID Giuseppe> would not assemble anymore. Can you please send us the full details of each disk using the command: mdadm -E /dev/sda1 Where of course 'a' and '1' depend on whether or not you are using whole disk or partitioned disks for your arrays. You might be able to just for the three spare disks (assumed in this case to be sda1, sdb1, sdc1; but you need to be sure first!) to assemble into a full array with: mdadm -A /dev/md50 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 And if that works, great. If not, post the error message(s) you get back. Basically provide more details on your setup so we can help you. John Giuseppe> At this point I stopped everything and made a full copy of Giuseppe> the RAID disks (lucky me, I had just bought a new JBOD for Giuseppe> an upgrade, and a bunch of new disks, even if one of them is Giuseppe> apparently defective so I have only been able to backup 3 of Giuseppe> the 4 disks) and I have been toying around with ways to Giuseppe> recover the array by playing on the copies I've made (I've Giuseppe> set the original disks to readonly at the kernel level just Giuseppe> to be sure). Giuseppe> So now my situation is this, and I would like to know if there is Giuseppe> something I can try to recover the RAID (I've made a few tests that I Giuseppe> will describe momentarily). (I would like to know if there is any Giuseppe> possibility for md to handle these kind of issue —all disks in a RAID Giuseppe> going temporarily offline— more gracefully, which is likely needed for Giuseppe> a lot of home setup where SATA is used instead of SAS). Giuseppe> So one thing that I've done is to hack around the superblock in the Giuseppe> disks (copies) to put back the device roles as they were (getting the Giuseppe> information from the pre-failure dmesg output). (By the way, I've been Giuseppe> using Andy's Binary Editor for the superblock editing, so if anyone is Giuseppe> interested in a be.ini for mdraid v1 superblocks, including checksum Giuseppe> verification, I'd be happy to share). Specifically, I've left the Giuseppe> device number untouched, but I have edited the dev_roles array so that Giuseppe> the slots corresponding to the dev_number from all the disks map to Giuseppe> appropriate device roles. Giuseppe> I can then assemble the array with only 3 of 4 disks (because I do not Giuseppe> have a copy of the fourth, essentially) and force-run it. However, Giuseppe> when I do this, I get two things: Giuseppe> (1) a complaint about the bitmap being out of date (number of events Giuseppe> too low by 3) and Giuseppe> (2) I/O errors on logical block 0 (and the RAID data thus completely Giuseppe> inaccessible) Giuseppe> I'm now wondering about what I should try next. Prevent a resync by Giuseppe> matching the event count with that of the bitmap (or conversely)? Try Giuseppe> a different permutation of the roles? (I have triple-checked but who Giuseppe> knows)? Try a different subset of disks? Try and recreate the array? Giuseppe> Thanks in advance for any suggestion you may have, Giuseppe> -- Giuseppe> Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta Giuseppe> -- Giuseppe> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in Giuseppe> the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Giuseppe> More majordomo info at -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at