Dallas, I suspect you've hit a known problem-ish area with Linux disk io, which is that big queue depths aren't optimal. They're better for systems where you're talking to a big backend disk array with lots of cache/memory which is all battery backed, and which can acknowledge those writes immmediately, but then retire them to disk in a more optimal manner. So using a queue depth of 4, which is per-device, means that you can have upto 48 writes outstanding at a time. Just doubling that to 8, means you can have 96 writes outstanding, which takes up memory buffers on the system, etc. As you can see, it peaks at a queue depth of 4, and then tends downward before falling off a cliff. So now what I'd do is keep the queue depth at 4, but vary the block size and other parameters and see how things change there. Now this is all fun, but I also think you need to backup and re-think about the big picture. What workloads are you looking to optimize for? Lots of small file writes? Lots of big file writes? Random reads of big/small files? Are you looking for backing stores for VMs? Have you looked into battery backed RAID cards? They used to be alot common, but these days CPUs are more than fast enough, and JBOD works really well with more flexibility and less chance of your data getting lost due to vendor-lockin. Another option, if you're looking for performance might be using lvmcache with a pair of mirrored SSDs, and if you KNOW you have UPS support on the system, you could change the cache policy from writeback (both SSDs and backing store writes need to complete) to write through (SSDs writes done, backing store later...) so that you get the most speed. I've just recently done this setup on my home machine (not nearly as beefy as this) and my off the cuff feeling is that it's a nice speedup. But back to the task at hand, what is the goal here? To find the sweet spot for your hardware? For fun? I'm all up for fun, this is a great discussion. It's too bad there's no auto-tuning script for testing a setup and running fio to get test results, and then having the next knob tweaked and tested in an automated way. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html