Why not use ZFS on Linux? (
ZFS on Linux is being merged into the upcoming Lustre 2.4 parallel
filesystem release.
On 2/14/13 9:28 AM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
Hi all
It seems we may need some storage for video soon. This is a 20k studen college in Norway, with rather a few on media related studies. Since these students produce rather large amounts of raw material, typically to be stored during the semester, we may need some 50-100TiB, perhaps more. I have setup systems with these amounts of storage earlier on ZFS, but may be using Linux MD for this project. I'm aware of the lack of checksumming, snapshots etc with Linux, but may be using it because of more Linux knowledge amongst the sysadmins here. In such a setup, I guess nearline SAS drives on a SAS expander will be used, and with the amount of storage needed, I won't be using a single RAID-6 (too insecure) or RAID-10 (too expensive) for the lot. In ZFS-land I used smallish VDEVs (~10 drives each) in a large pool.
- Would using LVM on top of RAID-6 give me something similar?
- If so, should I stripe the RAID sets, and again, if striping them, will it be as easy to add new RAID sets as we run out of space?
Thanks, and best regards
Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 98013356
GPG Public key:
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