Dear list, just a quick question to void a concern I had last night: If I set up a RAID10 with offset=3 layout across 4 disks, but I only provide 3 of them at array creation, MD will not just put a copy of each data block onto each of the three disks, right? Only every 4th block will be stored 3 times on the 3 disks, the other 3 blocks will get stored twice only, until the fourth disk is added into the array. If this weren't the case, then setting up a system RAID10 system with missing devices would mean that the initial system setup would not be redundantly stored and the disks initially present would become points of failure that the other redundant disks could not prevent. Is this correct? Thanks, -- martin | | philosophy: unintelligible answers to insoluble problems. spamtraps: madduck.bogus@xxxxxxxxxxx
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