Re: degraded raid 6 (1 bad drive) showing up inactive, only spares

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On Thu, 7 Jun 2012 13:55:32 +0200 Martin Ziler <martin.ziler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hello everybody,
> I am running a 9-disk raid6 without hot spares. I already had one drive go bad, which I could replace and continue using the array without any degraded raid messages. Recently I had another drive going bad by the smart-info. As it wasn't quite dead I left the array as was without really using it all that much waiting for a replacement drive I ordered. As I booted the machine up in order to replace the drive I was greeted by an inactive array with all devices showing up as spares.
> md0 : inactive sdh2[0](S) sdi2[7](S) sde2[6](S) sdd2[5](S) sdf2[1](S) sdg2[2](S) sdc1[9](S) sdb2[3](S)
>       15579088439 blocks super 1.2
> mdadm --examine confirms that. I already searched the web quite a bit and found this mailing list. Maybe someone in here can give me some input. Normally a degraded raid should still be active. So I am quite surprised that my array with only one drive missing goes inactive. I appended the info mdadm --examine puts out for all the drives. However the first two should probably suffice as only /dev/sdk differs from the rest. The faulty drive - sdk - is still recognized as a raid6 member, wheres all the others show up as spares. With lots of bad sectors sdk isn't accessible anymore. 

You must be running 3.2.1 or 3.3 (I think).

You've been bitten by a rather nasty bug.

You can get your data back, but it will require a bit of care, so don't rush

The metadata on almost all the devices have been seriously corrupted.  The
only way to repair it is to recreate the array.
Doing this just writes new metadata and assembles the array.  It doesn't touch
the data so if we get the --create command right, all your data will be
available again.
If we get it wrong, you won't be able to see your data, but we can easily stop
the array and create again with different parameters until we get it right.

First thing to do it to get a newer kernel.  I would recommend the latest in
the 3.3.y series.

Then you need to:
 - make sure you have a version of mdadm which gets the data offset to 1M
   (2048 sectors).  I think 3.2.3 or earlier does that - don't upgrade to
 - find the chunk size - looks like it is 4M, as sdk2 isn't corrupt.
 - find the order of devices.  This should be in your kernel logs in 
    "RAID conf printout".  Hopefully device names haven't changed.

 Then (with new kernel running)

  mdadm --create /dev/md0 -l6 -n9 -c 4M -e 1.2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2 \
     /dev/sde2 /dev/sdf2 /dev/sdg2 /dev/sdh2 /dev/sdi2 missing \

 Make double-sure you add that --assume-clean.

 Note the last device is 'missing'. That corresponds to sdk2 (which we 
 know is device 8 - the last of 9 (0..8)).  It fails so it not part of the
 array any more.  The others I just guessed the order.  You should try to
 verify it before you proceed (see RAID conf printout in kernel logs).

 After the 'create' use "mdadm -E" to look at one device and make sure
 the Data Offset, Avail Dev Size and Array Size are the same as we saw
 on sdk2.
 If it is, try "fsck -n /dev/md0". That assumes ext3 or ext4.  If you had
 something else on the array some other command might be needed.

 If that looks bad, "mdadm -S /dev/md0" and try again with a different order.
 If it looks good, "echo check > /sys/block/md0/md/sync_action" and watch
  "mismatch_cnt" in the same directory.  If it says low (few hundred at most) 
 all is good.  If it goes up to thousands something is wrong - try another

 Once you have the array working again,
    "echo repair > /sys/block/md0/md/sync_action"
 then add your new device to be rebuilt.

Good luck.
Please ask if you are unsure about anything.


> /dev/sdk2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : raid6
>    Raid Devices : 9
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>      Array Size : 27172970496 (12957.08 GiB 13912.56 GB)
>   Used Dev Size : 3881852928 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : clean
>     Device UUID : 882eb11a:33b499a7:dd5856b7:165f916c
>     Update Time : Fri Jun  1 20:26:45 2012
>        Checksum : b8c58093 - correct
>          Events : 623119
>          Layout : left-symmetric
>      Chunk Size : 4096K
>    Device Role : Active device 8
>    Array State : AAAAAAAAA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdh2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 44008309:1dfb1408:cabfbd0a:64de3739
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : 27f93899 - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/sdi2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 135f196d:184f11a1:09207617:4022e1a5
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : 9ded8f86 - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sde2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 3517bcc4:2acb381f:f5006058:5bd5c831
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : 408957c0 - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdd2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 9e8b2d2c:844a009a:fd6914a2:390f10ac
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : e6bdee68 - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdf2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 87ad38ac:4ccbd831:ee5502cd:28dafaad
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : 2b7a47f6 - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdg2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : eef2f06f:28f881a5:da857a00:fb90e250
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : 393ba0f8 - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdc1:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3985162143 (1900.27 GiB 2040.40 GB)
>   Used Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 4cf86fb0:6f334e2c:19e89c99:0532f557
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : a6e42bdc - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdb2:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 25be3ab5:ef5f1166:d64b0e0e:4df143ed
>            Name : server:0  (local to host server)
>   Creation Time : Mon Jul 25 23:40:50 2011
>      Raid Level : -unknown-
>    Raid Devices : 0
>  Avail Dev Size : 3881859248 (1851.01 GiB 1987.51 GB)
>     Data Offset : 2048 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 4852882a:b8a3989f:aad747c5:25f20d47
>     Update Time : Thu Jun  7 12:27:52 2012
>        Checksum : a8e25edd - correct
>          Events : 2
>    Device Role : spare
>    Array State :  ('A' == active, '.' == missing)--
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