On Wed, 28 Dec 2011, Jeremy Thompson wrote:
I was dumb and stacked them pretty close to each other and before
since they were not under heavy use, there were no problems... however
now that the drives are under heavy use... I am seeing these errors
come up. I'd like to re-arrange the drives so they have more airflow
and also help try and prevent the errors from showing. So with that
in mind, would it be at all possible to stop the reshaping process,
re-arrange the drives, then get the reshaping process back up and
I'm not 100% sure about stopping the reshape, however I can tell you how
to check the drive temperatures, if you've not already done this.
Use the hddtemp program.
# hddtemp /dev/sd{a,b}
/dev/sda: SAMSUNG HD204UI: 25°C
/dev/sdb: SAMSUNG HD204UI: 22°C
Then check the temperatures against the manufacturers recomendations.
IF you don't have hddtemp in your distro, try smartctl and look for
parameter 194.
# smartctl -a /dev/sda | fgrep 194
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0002 064 064 000 Old_age Always - 23 (Lifetime Min/Max 17/27)
However if you're seeing errors, then who knows... Cabling, motherboard,
etc. are all possible culprits as well as physical surface defects... You
can find out more with smartctl -
# smartctl -a /dev/sda
and so on.