On 02/17/2011 04:47 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
John Robinson put forth on 2/17/2011 5:07 AM:
On 14/02/2011 23:59, Matt Garman wrote:
The requirement is basically this: around 40 to 50 compute machines
act as basically an ad-hoc scientific compute/simulation/analysis
cluster. These machines all need access to a shared 20 TB pool of
storage. Each compute machine has a gigabit network connection, and
it's possible that nearly every machine could simultaneously try to
access a large (100 to 1000 MB) file in the storage pool. In other
words, a 20 TB file store with bandwidth upwards of 50 Gbps.
I'd recommend you analyse that requirement more closely. Yes, you have
50 compute machines with GigE connections so it's possible they could
all demand data from the file store at once, but in actual use, would they?
This is a very good point and one which I somewhat ignored in my initial
response, making a silent assumption. I did so based on personal
experience, and knowledge of what other sites are deploying.
Well, the application area appears to be high performance cluster
computing, and the storage behind it. Its a somewhat more specialized
version of storage, and not one that a typical IT person runs into
often. There are different, some profoundly so, demands placed upon
such storage.
Full disclosure: this is our major market, we make/sell products in
this space, have for a while. Take what we say with that in your mind
as a caveat, as it does color our opinions.
The spec's as stated, 50Gb/s ... its rare ... exceptionally rare ...
that you ever see cluster computing storage requirements stated in such
terms. Usually they are stated in the MB/s or GB/s regime. Using a
basic conversion of Gb/s to GB/s, the OP is looking for ~6GB/s support.
Some basic facts about this.
Fibre channel (FC-8 in particular), will give you, at best 1GB/s per
loop, and that presumes you aren't oversubscribing the loop. The vast
majority of designs we see coming from IT shops, do, in fact, badly
oversubscribe the bandwidth, which causes significant contention on the
loops. The Nexsan unit you indicated (they are nominally a competitor
of ours) is an FC device, though we've heard rumblings that they may
even allow for SAS direct connections (though that would be quite cost
ineffective as a SAS JBOD chassis compared to other units, and you still
have the oversubscription problem).
As I said, high performance storage design is a very ... very ...
different animal from standard IT storage design. There are very
different decision points, and design concepts.
You don't see many deployed filers on the planet with 5 * 10 GbE front
end connections. In fact, today, you still don't see many deployed
filers with even one 10 GbE front end connection, but usually multiple
(often but not always bonded) GbE connections.
In this space, high performance cluster storage, this statement is
Our units (again, not trying to be a commercial here, see .sig if you
want to converse offline) usually ship with either 2x 10GbE, 2x QDR IB,
or combinations of these. QDR IB gets you 3.2 GB/s. Per port.
In high performance computing storage (again, the focus of the OP's
questions), this is a reasonable configuration and request.
A single 10 GbE front end connection provides a truly enormous amount of
real world bandwidth, over 1 GB/s aggregate sustained. *This is
equivalent to transferring a full length dual layer DVD in 10 seconds*
Trust me. This is not *enormous*. Well, ok ... put another way, we
architect systems that scale well beyond 10GB/s sustained. We have nice
TB sprints and similar sorts of "drag racing" as I call them (c.f.
http://scalability.org/?p=2912 http://scalability.org/?p=2356
http://scalability.org/?p=2165 http://scalability.org/?p=1980
http://scalability.org/?p=1756 )
1 GB/s is nothing magical. Again, not a commercial, but our DeltaV
units, running MD raid, achieve 850-900MB/s (0.85-0.9 GB/s) for RAID6.
To get good (great) performance you have to start out with a good
(great) design. One that will really optimize the performance on a per
unit basis.
Few sites/applications actually need this kind of bandwidth, either
burst or sustained. But, this is the system I spec'd for the OP
earlier. Sometimes people get caught up in comparing raw bandwidth
numbers between different platforms and lose sight of the real world
performance they can get from any one of them.
The sad part is that we often wind up fighting against others "marketing
numbers". Our real benchmarks are often comparable to their "strong
wind a the back" numbers. Heck, our MD raid numbers often are better
than others hardware RAID numbers.
Theoretical bandwidth from the marketing docs doesn't matter. The only
thing that does matter is having a sound design and implementation at
all levels. This is why we do what we do, and why we do use MD raid.
Joseph Landman, Ph.D
Founder and CEO
Scalable Informatics Inc.
email: landman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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