Hi Gabe, On 21/08/10 03:53, gabe peters wrote: > Any insight will be welcome, I suppose this message amounts to nothing > more than a simple "me, too!" though!I got it working! Thanks to the *great* support of phcoder from the grub2 community!
He developed a patch that allows the user a sane way to override auto-detection mechanisms by supplying right device.map. It should get merged to bzr in the next couple of days :) (it is not yet ideally coded, but works :)
--> Basically allowing me to use /dev/md126 (the imsm Volume) as a grub device, even though grub can't assemble it --> hence to use the int13 OROM assembled version of the raid-0 :)
If you want to give it a try: # http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-download.en.html bzr branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/grub/trunk/grub # Apply this patch: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=tgfqp9Hn # e.g. download it to file "phcoder.patch"# and run cat phcoder.patch|patch -p 0 in the "grub" directory that you received by the bzr command
# I think without any parameters it should be fine: ./configure make # this command triggered for me that /boot/grub got populated: # for me /dev/mdYOURVOLUME was /dev/md126 (the imsm Volume) ./grub-probe /dev/mdYOURVOLUME # make sure that /boot/grub/device.map contains: (hd0) /dev/mdYOURVOLUME ./grub-probe /dev/mdYOURVOLUME -v ./grub-probe -t partmap /boot -v # until know we changed NOTHING... # ... so if you can also do this: ./grub-install /dev/mdYOURVOLUME reboot Hope this helps you as well. Best, Knuth
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