Stefan *St0fF* Huebner wrote:
Am 25.03.2010 18:45, schrieb Asdo:
David Lethe wrote:
On Mar 25, 2010, at 11:20 AM, Andrew Dunn wrote:
Recently Dell is selling their WD20EARS (2TB) for 90$
This being one of the best PPG (Price Per Gigabyte) snatches I have
seen, I was considering buying 8 of them for an mdadm array.
Has anyone had experience with these drives?
Note, they have 4K sectors.
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This is a low-cost consumer disk that is rated for a whole 2400 hours
use in a year. You get what you pay for.
I think the "I" in RAID stands for inexpensive :-P
Jokes apart, don't you think frequent scrubbing (e.g. weekly for a
raid-6 or 2/week for raid-1/10) is enough to compensate for this?
I would be way more concerned with ERC / TLER if it proves to be
nonsettable, but I might be wrong
Just for those who like to read: ERC is a feature stated in the
ATA-specifications, that's why the "quick hack" for smartctl was so
easy. But in the specs it is also noted, that the change a
SCT-ERC-Command does will not survive a power cycle.
So y'all will probably need some udev-triggered daemon, which runs upon
connecting a disk, checking if this disk is conforming to the ata-spec,
then finding out if it's part of a raid array. If all answers yield
"yes", it should call SCT-ERC with a configurable value, and probably
some other "configure the drive"-commands (for tuning the idle timeout
of wdXXears).
I'll have to think about that as a project again ...
I would think it was easier to just add a small section to rc.local,
unless you antucipate lots of errors during boot and after udev gets going.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
"We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we
used in creating them." - Einstein
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