Greg Freemyer wrote:
Adding mdraid list:
Top post as a recap for mdraid list (redundantly at end of email if
anyone wants to respond to any of this).:
== Start RECAP
With proposed spec changes for both T10 and T13 a new "unmap" or
"trim" command is proposed respectively. The linux kernel is
implementing this as a sector discard and will be called by various
file systems as they delete data files. Ext4 will be one of the first
to support this. (At least via out of kernel patches.)
SCSI - see
ATA - see T13/e08137r2 draft
Per the proposed spec changes, the underlying SSD device can
optionally modify the unmapped data. SCSI T10 at least restricts the
way the modification happens, but data modification of unmapped data
is still definitely allowed for both classes of SSD.
For either device class, this is not limited to SSD devices (just for
clarity). On the SCSI side, this is actually driven mainly by large
arrays (like EMC Symm, Clariion, IBM Shark, etc).
Thus if a filesystem "discards" a sector, the contents of the sector
can change and thus parity values are no longer meaningful for the
ie. If the unmap-ed blocks don't exactly correlate with the Raid-5 / 6
stripping, then the integrity of a stripe containing both mapped and
unmapped data is lost.
What this means for RAID (md or dm raid) is that we will need to rebuild
the parity after a discard of a stripe for the range of discarded
blocks. For T10 devices at least, the devices are required to be
consistent with regards to what they return after the unmap.
Thus it seems that either the filesystem will have to understand the
raid 5 / 6 stripping / chunking setup and ensure it never issues a
discard command unless an entire stripe is being discarded. Or that
the raid implementation must must snoop the discard commands and take
appropriate actions.
In T13 a feature bit will be provided to identify ATA SSDs that
implement a "deterministic" feature. Meaning that once you read a
specific unmapped sector, its contents will not change until written
but that does not change the fact that a discard command that does not
perfectly match the raid setup may destroy the integrity of a stripe.
I believe all T10 (SCSI) devices with be deterministic by spec.
End of RECAP
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Ric Wheeler <rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greg Freemyer wrote:
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Ric Wheeler <rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greg Freemyer wrote:
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 5:24 PM, James Bottomley
<James.Bottomley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 15:40 -0500, Ric Wheeler wrote:
Greg Freemyer wrote:
Just to make sure I understand, with the proposed trim updates to the
ATA spec (T13/e08137r2 draft), a SSD can have two kinds of data.
Reliable and unreliable. Where unreliable can return zeros, ones,
data, random made up data, old data slightly adulterated, etc..
And there is no way for the kernel to distinguish if the particular
data it is getting from the SSD is of the reliable or unreliable
For the unreliable data, if the determistic bit is set in the
block, then the kernel can be assured of reading the same unreliable
data repeatedly, but still it has no way of knowing the data it is
reading was ever even written to the SSD in the first place.
That just seems unacceptable.
Hi Greg,
I sat in on a similar discussion in T10 . With luck, the T13 people
the same high level design:
(1) following a write to sector X, any subsequent read of X will
that data
(2) once you DISCARD/UNMAP sector X, the device can return any state
(stale data, all 1's, all 0's) on the next read of that sector, but
continue to return that data on following reads until the sector is
Actually, the latest draft:
extends this behaviour: If the array has read capacity(16) TPRZ bit set
then the return for an unmapped block is always zero. If TPRZ isn't
set, it's undefined but consistent. I think TPRZ is there to address
security concerns.
To James,
I took a look at the spec, but I'm not familiar with the SCSI spec to
grok it immediately.
Is the TPRZ bit meant to be a way for the manufacturer to report which
of the two behaviors their device implements, or is it a externally
configurable flag that tells the SSD which way to behave?
Either way, is there reason to believe the ATA T13 spec will get
similar functionality?
To Ric,
First, in general I think is is bizarre to have a device that is by
spec able to return both reliable and non-reliable data, but the spec
does not include a signaling method to differentiate between the two.
My very specific concern is that I work with evidence that will
eventually be presented at court.
We routinely work with both live files and recoved deleted files
(Computer Forensic Analysis). Thus we would typically be reading the
discarded sectors as well as in-use sectors.
After reading the original proposal from 2007, I assumed that a read
would provide me either data that had been written specifically to the
sectors read, or that the SSD would return all nulls. That is very
troubling to the ten thousand or so computer forensic examiners in the
USA, but it true we just had to live with it.
Now reading the Oct. 2008 revision I realized that discarded sectors
are theoretically allowed to return absolutely anything the SSD feels
like returning. Thus the SSD might return data that appears to be
supporting one side of the trial or the other, but it may have been
artificially created by the SSD. And I don't even have a flag that
says "trust this data".
The way things currently stand with my understanding of the proposed
spec. I will not be able to tell the court anything about the
reliability of any data copied from the SSD regardless of whether it
is part of an active file or not.
At its most basic level, I transport a typical file on a SSD by
connecting it to computer A, writing data to it, disconnecting from A
and connecting to computer B and then print it from there for court
room use.
When I read that file from the SSD how can I assure the court that
data I read is even claimed to be reliable by the SSD?
ie. The SSD has no way to say "I believe this data is what was
written to me via computer A" so why should the court or anyone else
trust the data it returns.
IF the TPRZ bit becomes mandatory for both ATA and SCSI SSDs, then if
it is set I can have confidence that any data read from the device was
actually written to it.
Lacking the TPRZ bit, ...
I think that the incorrect assumption here is that you as a user can read
data that is invalid. If you are using a file system, you will never be
to read those unmapped/freed blocks (the file system will not allow it).
If you read the raw device as root, then you could seem random bits of
- maybe data recovery tools would make this an issue?
This seems to be overstated. The file system layer knows what its valid data
is at any time and will send down unmap/trim commands only when it is sure
that the block is no longer in use.
The only concern is one of efficiency/performance - the commands are
advisory, so the target can ignore them (i.e., not pre-erase them or
allocate them in T10 to another user). There will be no need for fsck to
look at unallocated blocks.
The concern we do have is that RAID and checksums must be consistent. Once
read, the device must return the same contents after a trim/unmap so as not
to change the parity/hash/etc.
===> Copy of top post
With proposed spec changes for both T10 and T13 a new "unmap" or
"trim" command is proposed respectively.
SCSI - see
ATA - T13/e08137r2 draft
Per the proposed spec changes, the underlying SSD device can
optionally modify the unmapped data at its discretion. SCSI T10
atleast restricts the way the modification happens, but data
modification of unmapped data is still definitely allowed.
Thus if a filesystem "discards" a sector, the contents of the sector
can change and thus parity values are no longer meaningful for the
ie. If the unmap-ed blocks don't exactly correlate with the Raid-5 / 6
stripping, then the integrity of a stripe containing both mapped and
unmapped data is lost.
A feature bit will be provided to identify SSDs that implement a
"stable value on read" feature. Meaning that once you read a specific
unmapped sector, its contents will not change until written but that
does not change the fact that a discard command that does not
perfectly match the raid setup may destroy the integrity of a stripe.
Thus it seems that either the filesystem will have to understand the
raid 5 / 6 stripping / chunking setup and ensure it never issues a
discard command unless an entire stripe is free. Or that the raid
implementation must must snoop the discard commands and take
appropriate actions.
===> END Copy of top post
Seems to introduce some huge layering violations for Raid 5 / 6
implementations using next generation SSDs to comprise the raid
I imagine writing reshaping software is hard enough without this going on.
One serious suggestion is that you take your concerns up with the T13 group directly - few people on this list sit in on those, I believe that it is an open forum.
I will have to look into that. The whole idea of what is happening
here seems fraught with problems to me. T13 is worse than T10 from
what I see, but both seem highly problematic.
Allowing data to change from the SATA / SAS interface layer and not
implementing a signaling mechanism that allows the kernel (or any OS /
software tool) to ask which sectors / blocks / erase units have
undergone data changes is just bizarre to me.
I the unmap command always caused the unmap sectors to return some
fixed value, at least that could be incorporated into a raid
implementations logic.
The current random nature of what unmap command does is very unsettling to me.
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