Hello Neil & Luca ,
On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Luca Berra wrote:
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 02:26:31PM +0200, Lars Schimmer wrote:
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Michael Tokarev wrote:
Lars Schimmer wrote:
I´ve got a software RAiD5 with 6 250GB HDs.
Now I changed one disk after another to a 400GB HD and resynced the
raid5 after each change.
Now the RAID5 has got 6 400GB HDs and still uses only 6*250GB space.
How can I grow the md0 device to use 6*400GB?
mdadm --grow is your friend.
Oh, damn, right. I was focussed on --grow to add a new HD to the RAID....
But isn´t there a switch to grow to max possible value?
Do I always have to search for the biggest value and type it in by hand?
man mdadm
-z, --size=
This value can be set with --grow for RAID level 1/4/5/6. If the
array was created with a size smaller than the currently active
drives, the extra space can be accessed using --grow. The size
can be given as max which means to choose the largest size that
fits on all current drives.
Kuca , Thank you for posting this snippet .
Neil , Might changing ,
can be given as max which means to choose the largest size that
can be given as 'max' which means to choose the largest size that
help those reading this be aware that this is a 'string' to add to the
end of --size= ? Also if there are other keywords not quoted ('') this
might be a good opertunity . ;-) Tia , JimL
| James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
| Network Engineer | 3600 14th Ave SE #20-103 | Give me Linux |
| babydr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Olympia , WA. 98501 | only on AXP |