Yesterday evening I initialized a new RAID5, waited for completion and shut down the machine. Yet when I restarted it this morning it immediately began with a resync -- it seems that it wants to resync on every boot ... This is a new Debian testing installation, array was created with EVMS and is started with EVMS in the initrd. mdadm is used for monitoring and maintainance. Grepping through the init scripts I really could find nothing that looked like it shut down md arrays -- when and where is that supposed to happen? Of course I could use mdadm to stop the array by hand before issuing shutdown, but I'm sure this has worked out-of-the-box before, and besides I can't do it for the roo-on-RAID1 I intend on adding. Thanks, C. - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at