It turns out that one drive had dma off for some reason and I have corrected that. I also ran the sysctl as below. Right when I did that the system load was 21. After about 5 minutes of getting the system catching up it has recovered to a "nicer" load of 6 and dropping. Thank you! Gary H. -----Original Message----- From: Jim Paris To: Mike Hardy Cc: Kanoa Withington; Huntress Gary B NPRI; 'linux-raid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' Sent: 7/28/2004 8:17 PM Subject: Re: High System Load > #!/bin/tcsh > while 1 > cat /proc/mdstat > sleep 1 > clear > end .. or just 'watch cat /proc/mdstat' :) > There's got to be something else happening on the machine... I find that if the kernel variable is too high (the default, 200000, is usually too high), then the rebuild could taking all available I/O time. This can cause every other process trying to do I/O on the machine to block, which may be the reason your load average is so high. Try doing 'sysctl -w' and see if things improve. -jim - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at