[PATCH 1/3] stream-interaction: Use LLIST for groups.

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Use LLIST instead of array for interaction groups, and refactor parsing.
Side effect from refactoring is that module-role-cork also now supports
interaction groups.

Signed-off-by: Juho Hämäläinen <jusa at hilvi.org>
 src/modules/stream-interaction.c | 337 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 180 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/stream-interaction.c b/src/modules/stream-interaction.c
index bf7134a..d538e88 100644
--- a/src/modules/stream-interaction.c
+++ b/src/modules/stream-interaction.c
@@ -31,21 +31,28 @@
 #include <pulsecore/core-util.h>
 #include <pulsecore/sink-input.h>
 #include <pulsecore/modargs.h>
+#include <pulsecore/llist.h>
+#include <pulsecore/idxset.h>
 #include "stream-interaction.h"
+#define STREAM_INTERACTION_ANY_ROLE                 "any_role"
+#define STREAM_INTERACTION_NO_ROLE                  "no_role"
 struct group {
     char *name;
     pa_idxset *trigger_roles;
     pa_idxset *interaction_roles;
     pa_hashmap *interaction_state;
     pa_volume_t volume;
+    PA_LLIST_FIELDS(struct group);
 struct userdata {
     pa_core *core;
-    uint32_t n_groups;
-    struct group **groups;
+    PA_LLIST_HEAD(struct group, groups);
     bool global:1;
     bool duck:1;
@@ -63,13 +70,12 @@ static const char *get_trigger_role(struct userdata *u, pa_sink_input *i, struct
     uint32_t role_idx;
     if (!(role = pa_proplist_gets(i->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE)))
-        role = "no_role";
     if (g == NULL) {
         /* get it from all groups */
-        uint32_t j;
-        for (j = 0; j < u->n_groups; j++) {
-            PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(trigger_role, u->groups[j]->trigger_roles, role_idx) {
+        PA_LLIST_FOREACH(g, u->groups) {
+            PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(trigger_role, g->trigger_roles, role_idx) {
                 if (pa_streq(role, trigger_role))
                     return trigger_role;
@@ -170,12 +176,13 @@ static inline void apply_interaction_to_sink(struct userdata *u, pa_sink *s, con
         if (!(role = pa_proplist_gets(j->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE)))
-            role = "no_role";
+            role = STREAM_INTERACTION_NO_ROLE;
         PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(interaction_role, g->interaction_roles, role_idx) {
             if ((trigger = pa_streq(role, interaction_role)))
-            if ((trigger = (pa_streq(interaction_role, "any_role") && !get_trigger_role(u, j, g))))
+            if ((trigger = (pa_streq(interaction_role, STREAM_INTERACTION_ANY_ROLE) &&
+                            !get_trigger_role(u, j, g))))
         if (!trigger)
@@ -229,7 +236,7 @@ static void remove_interactions(struct userdata *u, struct group *g) {
             if(!!pa_hashmap_get(g->interaction_state, j)) {
                 corked = (j->state == PA_SINK_INPUT_CORKED);
                 if (!(role = pa_proplist_gets(j->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE)))
-                   role = "no_role";
+                   role = STREAM_INTERACTION_NO_ROLE;
                 uncork_or_unduck(u, j, role, corked, g);
@@ -238,21 +245,21 @@ static void remove_interactions(struct userdata *u, struct group *g) {
 static pa_hook_result_t process(struct userdata *u, pa_sink_input *i, bool create, bool new_stream) {
     const char *trigger_role;
-    uint32_t j;
+    struct group *g;
     if (!create)
-        for (j = 0; j < u->n_groups; j++)
-            pa_hashmap_remove(u->groups[j]->interaction_state, i);
+        PA_LLIST_FOREACH(g, u->groups)
+            pa_hashmap_remove(g->interaction_state, i);
     if (!i->sink)
         return PA_HOOK_OK;
-    for (j = 0; j < u->n_groups; j++) {
-        trigger_role = find_global_trigger_stream(u, i->sink, create ? NULL : i, u->groups[j]);
-        apply_interaction(u, i->sink, trigger_role, create ? NULL : i, new_stream, u->groups[j]);
+    PA_LLIST_FOREACH(g, u->groups) {
+        trigger_role = find_global_trigger_stream(u, i->sink, create ? NULL : i, g);
+        apply_interaction(u, i->sink, trigger_role, create ? NULL : i, new_stream, g);
     return PA_HOOK_OK;
@@ -315,13 +322,127 @@ static pa_hook_result_t sink_input_proplist_changed_cb(pa_core *core, pa_sink_in
     return PA_HOOK_OK;
+static struct group *group_new(const char *prefix, uint32_t id) {
+    struct group *g = pa_xnew0(struct group, 1);
+    PA_LLIST_INIT(struct group, g);
+    g->trigger_roles = pa_hashmap_new_full(pa_idxset_string_hash_func, pa_idxset_string_compare_func,
+                                           pa_xfree, NULL);
+    g->interaction_roles = pa_hashmap_new_full(pa_idxset_string_hash_func, pa_idxset_string_compare_func,
+                                               pa_xfree, NULL);
+    g->interaction_state = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func);
+    g->volume = pa_sw_volume_from_dB(STREAM_INTERACTION_DEFAULT_DUCK_VOLUME_DB);
+    g->name = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s_group_%u", prefix, id);
+    return g;
+static void group_free(struct group *g) {
+    pa_idxset_free(g->trigger_roles, pa_xfree);
+    pa_idxset_free(g->interaction_roles, pa_xfree);
+    pa_hashmap_free(g->interaction_state);
+    pa_xfree(g->name);
+    pa_xfree(g);
+typedef bool (*group_value_add_t)(struct group *g, const char *data);
+static bool group_value_add_trigger_roles(struct group *g, const char *data) {
+    pa_idxset_put(g->trigger_roles, pa_xstrdup(data), NULL);
+    return true;
+static bool group_value_add_interaction_roles(struct group *g, const char *data) {
+    pa_idxset_put(g->interaction_roles, pa_xstrdup(data), NULL);
+    return true;
+static bool group_value_add_volume(struct group *g, const char *data) {
+    if (pa_parse_volume(data, &(g->volume)) < 0) {
+        pa_log("Failed to parse volume");
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+static bool group_parse_roles(pa_modargs *ma, const char *name, group_value_add_t add_cb, struct group *groups) {
+    const char *roles;
+    char *roles_in_group;
+    struct group *g;
+    pa_assert(ma);
+    pa_assert(name);
+    pa_assert(add_cb);
+    pa_assert(groups);
+    g = groups;
+    roles = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, name, NULL);
+    if (roles) {
+        const char *group_split_state = NULL;
+        while ((roles_in_group = pa_split(roles, "/", &group_split_state))) {
+            pa_assert(g);
+            if (roles_in_group[0] != '\0') {
+                const char *split_state = NULL;
+                char *n = NULL;
+                while ((n = pa_split(roles_in_group, ",", &split_state))) {
+                    bool ret = true;
+                    if (n[0] != '\0')
+                        ret = add_cb(g, n);
+                    else {
+                        ret = false;
+                        pa_log("Empty %s", name);
+                    }
+                    pa_xfree(n);
+                    if (!ret)
+                        goto fail;
+                }
+            } else {
+                pa_log("Empty %s", name);
+                goto fail;
+            }
+            g = g->next;
+            pa_xfree(roles_in_group);
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+    return false;
+static int count_groups(pa_modargs *ma, const char *module_argument) {
+    const char *val;
+    int count = 0;
+    pa_assert(ma);
+    pa_assert(module_argument);
+    val = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, module_argument, NULL);
+    if (val) {
+        const char *split_state = NULL;
+        int len = 0;
+        /* Count empty ones as well, empty groups will fail later
+         * when parsing the groups. */
+        while (pa_split_in_place(val, "/", &len, &split_state))
+            count++;
+    }
+    return count;
 int pa_stream_interaction_init(pa_module *m, const char* const v_modargs[]) {
     pa_modargs *ma = NULL;
     struct userdata *u;
-    const char *roles;
-    char *roles_in_group = NULL;
     bool global = false;
     uint32_t i = 0;
+    uint32_t group_count_tr = 0;
+    struct group *last = NULL;
@@ -333,155 +454,66 @@ int pa_stream_interaction_init(pa_module *m, const char* const v_modargs[]) {
     m->userdata = u = pa_xnew0(struct userdata, 1);
     u->core = m->core;
+    u->duck = pa_streq(m->name, "module-role-ducking");
+    PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(struct group, u->groups);
-    u->duck = false;
-    if (pa_streq(m->name, "module-role-ducking"))
-        u->duck = true;
-    u->n_groups = 1;
+    group_count_tr = count_groups(ma, "trigger_roles");
     if (u->duck) {
-        const char *volumes;
-        uint32_t group_count_tr = 0;
         uint32_t group_count_du = 0;
         uint32_t group_count_vol = 0;
-        roles = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "trigger_roles", NULL);
-        if (roles) {
-            const char *split_state = NULL;
-            char *n = NULL;
-            while ((n = pa_split(roles, "/", &split_state))) {
-                group_count_tr++;
-                pa_xfree(n);
-            }
-        }
-        roles = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "ducking_roles", NULL);
-        if (roles) {
-            const char *split_state = NULL;
-            char *n = NULL;
-            while ((n = pa_split(roles, "/", &split_state))) {
-                group_count_du++;
-                pa_xfree(n);
-            }
-        }
-        volumes = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "volume", NULL);
-        if (volumes) {
-            const char *split_state = NULL;
-            char *n = NULL;
-            while ((n = pa_split(volumes, "/", &split_state))) {
-                group_count_vol++;
-                pa_xfree(n);
-            }
-        }
+        group_count_du = count_groups(ma, "ducking_roles");
+        group_count_vol = count_groups(ma, "volume");
         if ((group_count_tr > 1 || group_count_du > 1 || group_count_vol > 1) &&
             ((group_count_tr != group_count_du) || (group_count_tr != group_count_vol))) {
             pa_log("Invalid number of groups");
             goto fail;
+    } else {
+        uint32_t group_count_co;
+        group_count_co = count_groups(ma, "cork_roles");
-        if (group_count_tr > 0)
-            u->n_groups = group_count_tr;
+        if ((group_count_tr > 1 || group_count_co > 1) &&
+            (group_count_tr != group_count_co)) {
+            pa_log("Invalid number of groups");
+            goto fail;
+        }
-    u->groups = pa_xnew0(struct group*, u->n_groups);
-    for (i = 0; i < u->n_groups; i++) {
-        u->groups[i] = pa_xnew0(struct group, 1);
-        u->groups[i]->trigger_roles = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL);
-        u->groups[i]->interaction_roles = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL);
-        u->groups[i]->interaction_state = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func);
-        if (u->duck)
-            u->groups[i]->name = pa_sprintf_malloc("ducking_group_%u", i);
-    }
+    /* create at least one group */
+    if (group_count_tr == 0)
+        group_count_tr = 1;
-    roles = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "trigger_roles", NULL);
-    if (roles) {
-        const char *group_split_state = NULL;
-        i = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < group_count_tr; i++) {
+        struct group *g = group_new(u->duck ? "ducking" : "cork", i);
+        PA_LLIST_INSERT_AFTER(struct group, u->groups, last, g);
+        last = g;
+    }
-        while ((roles_in_group = pa_split(roles, "/", &group_split_state))) {
-            if (roles_in_group[0] != '\0') {
-                const char *split_state = NULL;
-                char *n = NULL;
-                while ((n = pa_split(roles_in_group, ",", &split_state))) {
-                    if (n[0] != '\0')
-                        pa_idxset_put(u->groups[i]->trigger_roles, n, NULL);
-                    else {
-                        pa_log("empty trigger role");
-                        pa_xfree(n);
-                        goto fail;
-                    }
-                }
-                i++;
-            } else {
-                pa_log("empty trigger roles");
-                goto fail;
-            }
+    if (!group_parse_roles(ma, "trigger_roles", group_value_add_trigger_roles, u->groups))
+        goto fail;
-            pa_xfree(roles_in_group);
-        }
-    }
-    if (pa_idxset_isempty(u->groups[0]->trigger_roles)) {
+    if (pa_idxset_isempty(u->groups->trigger_roles)) {
         pa_log_debug("Using role 'phone' as trigger role.");
-        pa_idxset_put(u->groups[0]->trigger_roles, pa_xstrdup("phone"), NULL);
+        pa_idxset_put(u->groups->trigger_roles, pa_xstrdup("phone"), NULL);
-    roles = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, u->duck ? "ducking_roles" : "cork_roles", NULL);
-    if (roles) {
-        const char *group_split_state = NULL;
-        i = 0;
-        while ((roles_in_group = pa_split(roles, "/", &group_split_state))) {
-            if (roles_in_group[0] != '\0') {
-                const char *split_state = NULL;
-                char *n = NULL;
-                while ((n = pa_split(roles_in_group, ",", &split_state))) {
-                    if (n[0] != '\0')
-                        pa_idxset_put(u->groups[i]->interaction_roles, n, NULL);
-                    else {
-                        pa_log("empty ducking role");
-                        pa_xfree(n);
-                        goto fail;
-                     }
-                }
-                i++;
-            } else {
-                pa_log("empty ducking roles");
-                goto fail;
-            }
+    if (!group_parse_roles(ma,
+                           u->duck ? "ducking_roles" : "cork_roles",
+                           group_value_add_interaction_roles,
+                           u->groups))
+        goto fail;
-            pa_xfree(roles_in_group);
-        }
-    }
-    if (pa_idxset_isempty(u->groups[0]->interaction_roles)) {
-        pa_log_debug("Using roles 'music' and 'video' as %s roles.", u->duck ? "ducking" : "cork");
-        pa_idxset_put(u->groups[0]->interaction_roles, pa_xstrdup("music"), NULL);
-        pa_idxset_put(u->groups[0]->interaction_roles, pa_xstrdup("video"), NULL);
+    if (pa_idxset_isempty(u->groups->interaction_roles)) {
+        pa_log_debug("Using roles 'music' and 'video' as %s_roles.", u->duck ? "ducking" : "cork");
+        pa_idxset_put(u->groups->interaction_roles, pa_xstrdup("music"), NULL);
+        pa_idxset_put(u->groups->interaction_roles, pa_xstrdup("video"), NULL);
-    if (u->duck) {
-        const char *volumes;
-        u->groups[0]->volume = pa_sw_volume_from_dB(-20);
-        if ((volumes = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "volume", NULL))) {
-            const char *group_split_state = NULL;
-            char *n = NULL;
-            i = 0;
-            while ((n = pa_split(volumes, "/", &group_split_state))) {
-                if (n[0] != '\0') {
-                    if (pa_parse_volume(n, &(u->groups[i++]->volume)) < 0) {
-                        pa_log("Failed to parse volume");
-                        pa_xfree(n);
-                        goto fail;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    pa_log("empty volume");
-                    pa_xfree(n);
-                    goto fail;
-                }
-                pa_xfree(n);
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    if (u->duck)
+        if (!group_parse_roles(ma, "volume", group_value_add_volume, u->groups))
+            goto fail;
     if (pa_modargs_get_value_boolean(ma, "global", &global) < 0) {
         pa_log("Invalid boolean parameter: global");
@@ -506,8 +538,6 @@ fail:
     if (ma)
-    if (roles_in_group)
-        pa_xfree(roles_in_group);
     return -1;
@@ -521,18 +551,11 @@ void pa_stream_interaction_done(pa_module *m) {
     if (!(u = m->userdata))
-    if (u->groups) {
-        uint32_t j;
-        for (j = 0; j < u->n_groups; j++) {
-            remove_interactions(u, u->groups[j]);
-            pa_idxset_free(u->groups[j]->trigger_roles, pa_xfree);
-            pa_idxset_free(u->groups[j]->interaction_roles, pa_xfree);
-            pa_hashmap_free(u->groups[j]->interaction_state);
-            if (u->duck)
-                pa_xfree(u->groups[j]->name);
-            pa_xfree(u->groups[j]);
-        }
-        pa_xfree(u->groups);
+    while (u->groups) {
+        struct group *g = u->groups;
+        PA_LLIST_REMOVE(struct group, u->groups, g);
+        remove_interactions(u, g);
+        group_free(g);
     if (u->sink_input_put_slot)

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