Hi, as written and discussed before ( https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/pulseaudio-discuss/2015-September/024378.html http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.audio.pulseaudio.general/19270 http://pulseaudio-discuss.freedesktop.narkive.com/RH83JeQl/coverity-and-pa-asser-se ) I think we need to teach Coverity scan about the semantics of pa_assert_se() this can be done in Coverity's config/user_nodefs.h, this is a local change to the Coverity installation (it sucks) please have below line in your Coverity setup when submitting a build: #nodef pa_assert_se(uniquex) do { int uniquey = uniquex ; if (!(uniquey)) __coverity_panic__(); } while (0) ideally, this should be on a build server which also has a fixed set of libraries and configure options... thanks, p. -- Peter Meerwald-Stadler +43-664-2444418 (mobile)