Hi there, I have a problem with the volume control. Music plays through the speakers as usual, no problem here. The default mixer only has one control and has no effect at all. I can change the volume with alsamixer after selecting the card's mixer instead of the default one which is PA's. In pavucontrol I see that the output device is labelled "Headphones" so the mixer is probably changing the headphones output volume. There is no other port, only Headphones. However this card has no headphones output as far as I know. Then I noticed that if I change the profile from Analog stereo output to "Analog surround 5.1" then the port in output devices changes to "Analog output" and then the volume control does affect the speakers volume. What can I do to fix the analog stereo profile so that the volume control works? I use the standard configuration from my distribution, which is Debian, and the volume control was working fine until recently. Thank you.