SUN Station with ULTRA SPARC III processor

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I'm proud and happy to be with you in this project...
First, thank you very much for this professional job...congratulations for EVERYBODY, thank you !!!!

Here's my issue:

I have made some researches on the WEB about my subject (export sound from SUN Station to my PC).
I have found things interesting and I have learned too ...but nothing that can really help me, so I'm trying to find help with you !!!

So, in one side, I have my SUN Station like described above and running SOLARIS 8, to the order side I have my PC (Windows 7)
What I want ?
Simply export the sound from the SUN Station to my PC by using the network, the machines are on the same LAN !

1-I have downloaded pulseaudio-9.0.tar.xz from the WEB site (Freedesktop)
2-I have decompressed it in a REDHAT VM (because "tar xvfJ" don't run on my SUN Station, tar is not updated...)
3-I have "copy/paste" the folder pulseaudio-9.0 from my REDHAT VM to my SUN Station with Filezilla

and now I have this in my SUN Station and I don't find the file called pulseaudio that you talk about in the first steps !

I don't know how to configure my Pulseaudio for this type of export...

Bests regards


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