On Tue, 2016-09-27 at 14:59 -0400, Jason Gauthier wrote: > I just installed PA from source on Debian Jessie. I've done this > several times on other systems. But for some reason, when starting PA, > I am getting this error: > > E: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Failed to create secure directory > (/opt/pulseaudio/var/lib/pulse): Permission denied > > I am running as root, with --system, which for some reason seems to be related. When pulseaudio starts in the system mode, it will switch to the pulse user. /opt/pulseaudio/var/lib is probably owned by root, so the daemon doesn't have the necessary permissions for creating its state directory. If you create /opt/pulseaudio/var/lib/pulse manually and chown it to pulse:pulse, it might work. I don't know how distributions handle this. At least on my machine /var/lib/pulse doesn't exist, so pulseaudio has to create it if run in the system mode, which should result in the same error, but then I'd expect this to be a common issue, but I don't remember anyone complaining about this before. I can verify that I get the same error when I try to run pulseaudio in the system mode when installed in /usr/local. I can't test this right now with the distro version of pulseaudio, however, because if I try, the libraries installed in /usr/local cause conflict and the daemon fails before it even starts. --Â Tanu