Moin, I have a linux notebook and a Raspberry Pi with an external sound card, both in the same WLAN or via OpenVPN connected. With these devices I want to build up a functionality like a Walkie Talkie: What is spoken in the headset at the Raspberry Pi (connected to the USB sound card) should be played from the speaker on the notebook, what is spoken into the microphone on the notebook should be played on the headset of the RasPi. What works so far: With the environment variable PULSE_SERVER=<IP Raspberry Pi> set on the notebook I can play sound files to the RasPi and record from there. But I can not reach the local sound card because of the variable PULSE_SERVER. With the loopback module I only got an acoustic feedback. With the loaded zeroconf publish module on the RasPi I see the devices from the RasPi on the notebook, but they disappear sometimes - in this situations the Avahi daemon have to be restarted. How can I configure a reliably walkie talkie function? Thanks for any hint! -- |Michael Renner E-mail: michael.renner at | |81541 Munich Twitter: @dd0ul | |Germany Don't drink as root! ESC:wq