[PATCH v6 16/37] raop: Add the core implementation of RAOP authentication

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From: Martin Blanchard <tchaik@xxxxxxx>

RAOP authentication (password) is based on BA and DA HTTP authentication
schemes. This patch adds the RSTP client the ability to specify the caller
of server response status. Tracking the '401 Unauthorized' status allow
the RAOP client to respond the server challenge authentication request.
This patch adds the core implementation but does not introduce the
authentication scheme in the RAOP connection process yet.
 src/modules/raop/raop_client.c      |  245 +++++-
 src/modules/raop/raop_client.c.orig | 1495 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/modules/raop/raop_client.h      |    4 +
 src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.c       |   83 +-
 src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.h       |   26 +-
 5 files changed, 1810 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/modules/raop/raop_client.c.orig

diff --git a/src/modules/raop/raop_client.c b/src/modules/raop/raop_client.c
index a2ec91e..1323cd0 100644
--- a/src/modules/raop/raop_client.c
+++ b/src/modules/raop/raop_client.c
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@
 #define VOLUME_MIN -144
 #define VOLUME_MAX 0
+#define USER_AGENT "iTunes/11.0.4 (Windows; N)"
+#define USER_NAME "iTunes"
 #define DEFAULT_RAOP_PORT 5000
@@ -85,13 +88,15 @@ struct pa_raop_client {
     pa_core *core;
     char *host;
     uint16_t port;
-    char *sid;
     pa_rtsp_client *rtsp;
-    pa_raop_protocol_t protocol;
+    char *sci, *sid;
+    char *pwd;
     uint8_t jack_type;
     uint8_t jack_status;
+    pa_raop_protocol_t protocol;
     int encryption; /* Enable encryption? */
     pa_raop_secret *aes;
@@ -125,6 +130,9 @@ struct pa_raop_client {
     uint32_t udp_sync_interval;
     uint32_t udp_sync_count;
+    pa_raop_client_auth_cb_t udp_auth_callback;
+    void *udp_auth_userdata;
     pa_raop_client_setup_cb_t udp_setup_callback;
     void *udp_setup_userdata;
@@ -576,7 +584,7 @@ static void do_rtsp_announce(pa_raop_client *c) {
-static void tcp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_headerlist* headers, void *userdata) {
+static void tcp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_rtsp_status status, pa_headerlist* headers, void *userdata) {
     pa_raop_client* c = userdata;
@@ -675,12 +683,13 @@ static void tcp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_headerlist
-static void udp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_headerlist *headers, void *userdata) {
+static void udp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_rtsp_status status, pa_headerlist *headers, void *userdata) {
     pa_raop_client *c = userdata;
     pa_assert(rtsp == c->rtsp);
+    pa_assert(STATUS_OK == status);
     switch (state) {
         case STATE_CONNECT: {
@@ -982,6 +991,178 @@ static void udp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_headerlist
+static void rtsp_authentication_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_rtsp_status status, pa_headerlist *headers, void *userdata) {
+    pa_raop_client *c = userdata;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(rtsp);
+    pa_assert(rtsp == c->rtsp);
+    switch (state) {
+        case STATE_CONNECT: {
+            char *sci = NULL, *sac = NULL;
+            uint16_t rac;
+            struct {
+                uint32_t ci1;
+                uint32_t ci2;
+            } rci;
+            pa_random(&rci, sizeof(rci));
+            /* Generate a random Client-Instance number */
+            sci = pa_sprintf_malloc("%08x%08x",rci.ci1, rci.ci2);
+            pa_rtsp_add_header(c->rtsp, "Client-Instance", sci);
+            pa_random(&rac, sizeof(rac));
+            /* Generate a random Apple-Challenge key */
+            pa_raop_base64_encode(&rac, 8*sizeof(rac), &sac);
+            pa_log_debug ("APPLECHALLENGE >> %s | %d", sac, (int) sizeof(rac));
+            rtrimchar(sac, '=');
+            pa_rtsp_add_header(c->rtsp, "Apple-Challenge", sac);
+            pa_rtsp_options(c->rtsp);
+            pa_xfree(sac);
+            pa_xfree(sci);
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_OPTIONS: {
+            static bool waiting = false;
+            const char *current = NULL;
+            char space[] = " ";
+            char *token,*ath = NULL;
+            char *publ, *wath, *mth, *val;
+            char *realm = NULL, *nonce = NULL, *response = NULL;
+            char comma[] = ",";
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: OPTIONS");
+            /* We do not consider the Apple-Response */
+            pa_rtsp_remove_header(c->rtsp, "Apple-Challenge");
+            if (STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED == status) {
+                wath = pa_xstrdup(pa_headerlist_gets(headers, "WWW-Authenticate"));
+                if (true == waiting) {
+                    pa_xfree(wath);
+                    goto failure;
+                }
+                if (wath)
+                    mth = pa_split(wath, space, &current);
+                while ((token = pa_split(wath, comma, &current))) {
+                    val = NULL;
+                    if ((val = strstr(token, "="))) {
+                        if (NULL == realm && val > strstr(token, "realm"))
+                            realm = pa_xstrdup(val + 2);
+                        else if (NULL == nonce && val > strstr(token, "nonce"))
+                            nonce = pa_xstrdup(val + 2);
+                        val = NULL;
+                    }
+                    pa_xfree(token);
+                }
+                if (pa_safe_streq(mth, "Basic")) {
+                    rtrimchar(realm, '\"');
+                    pa_raop_basic_response(USER_NAME, c->pwd, &response);
+                    ath = pa_sprintf_malloc("Basic %s",
+                        response);
+                    pa_xfree(response);
+                    pa_xfree(realm);
+                } else if (pa_safe_streq(mth, "Digest")) {
+                    rtrimchar(realm, '\"');
+                    rtrimchar(nonce, '\"');
+                    pa_raop_digest_response(USER_NAME, realm, c->pwd, nonce, "*", &response);
+                    ath = pa_sprintf_malloc("Digest username=\"%s\", realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"*\", response=\"%s\"",
+                        USER_NAME, realm, nonce,
+                        response);
+                    pa_xfree(response);
+                    pa_xfree(realm);
+                    pa_xfree(nonce);
+                } else {
+                    pa_log_error("unsupported authentication method: %s", mth);
+                    pa_xfree(wath);
+                    pa_xfree(mth);
+                    goto error;
+                }
+                pa_xfree(wath);
+                pa_xfree(mth);
+                pa_rtsp_add_header(c->rtsp, "Authorization", ath);
+                pa_xfree(ath);
+                waiting = true;
+                pa_rtsp_options(c->rtsp);
+                break;
+            }
+            if (STATUS_OK == status) {
+                publ = pa_xstrdup(pa_headerlist_gets(headers, "Public"));
+                c->sci = pa_xstrdup(pa_rtsp_get_header(c->rtsp, "Client-Instance"));
+                if (c->pwd)
+                    pa_xfree(c->pwd);
+                pa_xfree(publ);
+                c->pwd = NULL;
+            }
+            if (c->udp_auth_callback)
+                c->udp_auth_callback((int) status, c->udp_auth_userdata);
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            waiting = false;
+            break;
+        failure:
+            if (c->udp_auth_callback)
+                c->udp_auth_callback((int) STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, c->udp_auth_userdata);
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            pa_log_error("aborting RTSP authentication, wrong password");
+            waiting = false;
+            break;
+        error:
+            if (c->udp_auth_callback)
+                c->udp_auth_callback((int) status, c->udp_auth_userdata);
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            pa_log_error("aborting RTSP authentication, unexpected failure");
+            waiting = false;
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_ANNOUNCE:
+        case STATE_SETUP:
+        case STATE_RECORD:
+        case STATE_SET_PARAMETER:
+        case STATE_FLUSH:
+        case STATE_TEARDOWN:
+        default: {
+            if (c->udp_auth_callback)
+                c->udp_auth_callback((int) STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, c->udp_auth_userdata);
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            if (c->sci)
+                pa_xfree(c->sci);
+            c->sci = NULL;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
 pa_raop_client* pa_raop_client_new(pa_core *core, const char *host, pa_raop_protocol_t protocol) {
     pa_raop_client* c;
     pa_parsed_address a;
@@ -1047,15 +1228,40 @@ void pa_raop_client_free(pa_raop_client *c) {
     if (c->sid)
+    if (c->sci)
+        pa_xfree(c->sci);
+    c->sci = c->sid = NULL;
     if (c->aes)
     if (c->rtsp)
-    pa_xfree(c->host);
+    c->rtsp = NULL;
+    pa_xfree(c->host);
+int pa_raop_client_authenticate (pa_raop_client *c, const char *password) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->rtsp || c->pwd) {
+        pa_log_debug("Connection already in progress");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    c->pwd = NULL;
+    if (password)
+        c->pwd = pa_xstrdup(password);
+    c->rtsp = pa_rtsp_client_new(c->core->mainloop, c->host, c->port, USER_AGENT);
+    pa_assert(c->rtsp);
+    pa_rtsp_set_callback(c->rtsp, rtsp_authentication_cb, c);
+    return pa_rtsp_connect(c->rtsp);
 int pa_raop_client_connect(pa_raop_client *c) {
     char *sci;
     struct {
@@ -1074,7 +1280,7 @@ int pa_raop_client_connect(pa_raop_client *c) {
     if (c->protocol == RAOP_TCP)
         c->rtsp = pa_rtsp_client_new(c->core->mainloop, c->host, c->port, "iTunes/4.6 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.3)");
-        c->rtsp = pa_rtsp_client_new(c->core->mainloop, c->host, c->port, "iTunes/7.6.2 (Windows; N;)");
+        c->rtsp = pa_rtsp_client_new(c->core->mainloop, c->host, c->port, USER_AGENT);
     /* Generate random instance id. */
     pa_random(&rand_data, sizeof(rand_data));
@@ -1116,6 +1322,17 @@ int pa_raop_client_teardown(pa_raop_client *c) {
     return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_udp_is_authenticated(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->sci != NULL)
+        rv = 1;
+    return rv;
 int pa_raop_client_udp_is_alive(pa_raop_client *c) {
     int rv = 0;
@@ -1147,7 +1364,6 @@ int pa_raop_client_udp_stream(pa_raop_client *c) {
         if (!c->is_recording) {
             c->udp_first_packet = true;
             c->udp_sync_count = 0;
             c->is_recording = true;
@@ -1326,6 +1542,14 @@ ssize_t pa_raop_client_udp_send_audio_packet(pa_raop_client *c, pa_memchunk *blo
     return len;
+void pa_raop_client_set_encryption(pa_raop_client *c, int encryption) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->encryption = encryption;
+    if (c->encryption)
+        c->aes = pa_raop_secret_new();
 /* Adjust volume so that it fits into VOLUME_DEF <= v <= 0 dB */
 pa_volume_t pa_raop_client_adjust_volume(pa_raop_client *c, pa_volume_t volume) {
     double minv, maxv;
@@ -1469,12 +1693,11 @@ void pa_raop_client_tcp_set_closed_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_cl
     c->tcp_closed_userdata = userdata;
-void pa_raop_client_set_encryption(pa_raop_client *c, int encryption) {
+void pa_raop_client_udp_set_auth_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_auth_cb_t callback, void *userdata) {
-    c->encryption = encryption;
-    if (c->encryption)
-        c->aes = pa_raop_secret_new();
+    c->udp_auth_callback = callback;
+    c->udp_auth_userdata = userdata;
 void pa_raop_client_udp_set_setup_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_setup_cb_t callback, void *userdata) {
diff --git a/src/modules/raop/raop_client.c.orig b/src/modules/raop/raop_client.c.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f4ccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/raop/raop_client.c.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,1495 @@
+  This file is part of PulseAudio.
+  Copyright 2008 Colin Guthrie
+  PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
+  or (at your option) any later version.
+  PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+  along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+  USA.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sys/filio.h>
+#include <pulse/xmalloc.h>
+#include <pulse/timeval.h>
+#include <pulse/sample.h>
+#include <pulsecore/core-error.h>
+#include <pulsecore/core-rtclock.h>
+#include <pulsecore/core-util.h>
+#include <pulsecore/iochannel.h>
+#include <pulsecore/arpa-inet.h>
+#include <pulsecore/socket-util.h>
+#include <pulsecore/log.h>
+#include <pulsecore/parseaddr.h>
+#include <pulsecore/macro.h>
+#include <pulsecore/memchunk.h>
+#include <pulsecore/random.h>
+#include "raop_client.h"
+#include "rtsp_client.h"
+#include "raop_packet_buffer.h"
+#include "raop_crypto.h"
+#include "raop_util.h"
+#define VOLUME_DEF -30
+#define VOLUME_MIN -144
+#define VOLUME_MAX 0
+#define DEFAULT_RAOP_PORT 5000
+typedef enum {
+} pa_raop_udp_payload_type;
+struct pa_raop_client {
+    pa_core *core;
+    char *host;
+    uint16_t port;
+    char *sid;
+    pa_rtsp_client *rtsp;
+    pa_raop_protocol_t protocol;
+    uint8_t jack_type;
+    uint8_t jack_status;
+    int encryption; /* Enable encryption? */
+    pa_raop_secret *aes;
+    uint16_t seq;
+    uint32_t rtptime;
+    /* Members only for the TCP protocol */
+    pa_socket_client *tcp_sc;
+    int tcp_fd;
+    pa_raop_client_cb_t tcp_callback;
+    void *tcp_userdata;
+    pa_raop_client_closed_cb_t tcp_closed_callback;
+    void *tcp_closed_userdata;
+    /* Members only for the UDP protocol */
+    uint16_t udp_my_control_port;
+    uint16_t udp_my_timing_port;
+    uint16_t udp_server_control_port;
+    uint16_t udp_server_timing_port;
+    int udp_stream_fd;
+    int udp_control_fd;
+    int udp_timing_fd;
+    uint32_t udp_ssrc;
+    bool is_recording;
+    bool udp_first_packet;
+    uint32_t udp_sync_interval;
+    uint32_t udp_sync_count;
+    pa_raop_client_setup_cb_t udp_setup_callback;
+    void *udp_setup_userdata;
+    pa_raop_client_record_cb_t udp_record_callback;
+    void *udp_record_userdata;
+    pa_raop_client_disconnected_cb_t udp_disconnected_callback;
+    void *udp_disconnected_userdata;
+    pa_raop_packet_buffer *packet_buffer;
+/* Timming packet header (8x8):
+ *  [0]   RTP v2: 0x80,
+ *  [1]   Payload type: 0x53 | marker bit: 0x80,
+ *  [2,3] Sequence number: 0x0007,
+ *  [4,7] Timestamp: 0x00000000 (unused). */
+static const uint8_t udp_timming_header[8] = {
+    0x80, 0xd3, 0x00, 0x07,
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+/* Sync packet header (8x8):
+ *  [0]   RTP v2: 0x80,
+ *  [1]   Payload type: 0x54 | marker bit: 0x80,
+ *  [2,3] Sequence number: 0x0007,
+ *  [4,7] Timestamp: 0x00000000 (to be set). */
+static const uint8_t udp_sync_header[8] = {
+    0x80, 0xd4, 0x00, 0x07,
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+static const uint8_t tcp_audio_header[16] = {
+    0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+    0xF0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+/* Audio packet header (12x8):
+ *  [0]    RTP v2: 0x80,
+ *  [1]    Payload type: 0x60,
+ *  [2,3]  Sequence number: 0x0000 (to be set),
+ *  [4,7]  Timestamp: 0x00000000 (to be set),
+ *  [8,12] SSRC: 0x00000000 (to be set).*/
+static const uint8_t udp_audio_header[12] = {
+    0x80, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00,
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ * Function to write bits into a buffer.
+ * @param buffer Handle to the buffer. It will be incremented if new data requires it.
+ * @param bit_pos A pointer to a position buffer to keep track the current write location (0 for MSB, 7 for LSB)
+ * @param size A pointer to the byte size currently written. This allows the calling function to do simple buffer overflow checks
+ * @param data The data to write
+ * @param data_bit_len The number of bits from data to write
+ */
+static inline void bit_writer(uint8_t **buffer, uint8_t *bit_pos, int *size, uint8_t data, uint8_t data_bit_len) {
+    int bits_left, bit_overflow;
+    uint8_t bit_data;
+    if (!data_bit_len)
+        return;
+    /* If bit pos is zero, we will definately use at least one bit from the current byte so size increments. */
+    if (!*bit_pos)
+        *size += 1;
+    /* Calc the number of bits left in the current byte of buffer. */
+    bits_left = 7 - *bit_pos  + 1;
+    /* Calc the overflow of bits in relation to how much space we have left... */
+    bit_overflow = bits_left - data_bit_len;
+    if (bit_overflow >= 0) {
+        /* We can fit the new data in our current byte.
+         * As we write from MSB->LSB we need to left shift by the overflow amount. */
+        bit_data = data << bit_overflow;
+        if (*bit_pos)
+            **buffer |= bit_data;
+        else
+            **buffer = bit_data;
+        /* If our data fits exactly into the current byte, we need to increment our pointer. */
+        if (0 == bit_overflow) {
+            /* Do not increment size as it will be incremented on next call as bit_pos is zero. */
+            *buffer += 1;
+            *bit_pos = 0;
+        } else {
+            *bit_pos += data_bit_len;
+        }
+    } else {
+        /* bit_overflow is negative, there for we will need a new byte from our buffer
+         * Firstly fill up what's left in the current byte. */
+        bit_data = data >> -bit_overflow;
+        **buffer |= bit_data;
+        /* Increment our buffer pointer and size counter. */
+        *buffer += 1;
+        *size += 1;
+        **buffer = data << (8 + bit_overflow);
+        *bit_pos = -bit_overflow;
+    }
+static inline void rtrimchar(char *str, char rc) {
+    char *sp = str + strlen(str) - 1;
+    while (sp >= str && *sp == rc) {
+        *sp = '\0';
+        sp -= 1;
+    }
+static void tcp_on_connection(pa_socket_client *sc, pa_iochannel *io, void *userdata) {
+    pa_raop_client *c = userdata;
+    pa_assert(sc);
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(c->tcp_sc == sc);
+    pa_assert(c->tcp_fd < 0);
+    pa_assert(c->tcp_callback);
+    pa_socket_client_unref(c->tcp_sc);
+    c->tcp_sc = NULL;
+    if (!io) {
+        pa_log("Connection failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno));
+        return;
+    }
+    c->tcp_fd = pa_iochannel_get_send_fd(io);
+    pa_iochannel_set_noclose(io, true);
+    pa_iochannel_free(io);
+    pa_make_tcp_socket_low_delay(c->tcp_fd);
+    pa_log_debug("Connection established");
+    c->tcp_callback(c->tcp_fd, c->tcp_userdata);
+static inline uint64_t timeval_to_ntp(struct timeval *tv) {
+    uint64_t ntp = 0;
+    /* Converting micro seconds to a fraction. */
+    ntp = (uint64_t) tv->tv_usec * UINT32_MAX / PA_USEC_PER_SEC;
+    /* Moving reference from  1 Jan 1970 to 1 Jan 1900 (seconds). */
+    ntp |= (uint64_t) (tv->tv_sec + 0x83aa7e80) << 32;
+    return ntp;
+static int connect_udp_socket(pa_raop_client *c, int fd, uint16_t port) {
+    struct sockaddr_in sa4;
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+    struct sockaddr_in6 sa6;
+    struct sockaddr *sa;
+    socklen_t salen;
+    sa_family_t af;
+    pa_zero(sa4);
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+    pa_zero(sa6);
+    if (inet_pton(AF_INET, c->host, &sa4.sin_addr) > 0) {
+        sa4.sin_family = af = AF_INET;
+        sa4.sin_port = htons(port);
+        sa = (struct sockaddr *) &sa4;
+        salen = sizeof(sa4);
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+    } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, c->host, &sa6.sin6_addr) > 0) {
+        sa6.sin6_family = af = AF_INET6;
+        sa6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+        sa = (struct sockaddr *) &sa6;
+        salen = sizeof(sa6);
+    } else {
+        pa_log("Invalid destination '%s'", c->host);
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    if (fd < 0 && (fd = pa_socket_cloexec(af, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
+        pa_log("socket() failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno));
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    /* If the socket queue is full, let's drop packets */
+    pa_make_udp_socket_low_delay(fd);
+    pa_make_fd_nonblock(fd);
+    if (connect(fd, sa, salen) < 0) {
+        pa_log("connect() failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno));
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    pa_log_debug("Connected to %s on port %d (SOCK_DGRAM)", c->host, port);
+    return fd;
+    if (fd >= 0)
+        pa_close(fd);
+    return -1;
+static int open_bind_udp_socket(pa_raop_client *c, uint16_t *actual_port) {
+    int fd = -1;
+    uint16_t port;
+    struct sockaddr_in sa4;
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+    struct sockaddr_in6 sa6;
+    struct sockaddr *sa;
+    uint16_t *sa_port;
+    socklen_t salen;
+    sa_family_t af;
+    int one = 1;
+    pa_assert(actual_port);
+    port = *actual_port;
+    pa_zero(sa4);
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+    pa_zero(sa6);
+    if (inet_pton(AF_INET, pa_rtsp_localip(c->rtsp), &sa4.sin_addr) > 0) {
+        sa4.sin_family = af = AF_INET;
+        sa4.sin_port = htons(port);
+        sa = (struct sockaddr *) &sa4;
+        salen = sizeof(sa4);
+        sa_port = &sa4.sin_port;
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+    } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, pa_rtsp_localip(c->rtsp), &sa6.sin6_addr) > 0) {
+        sa6.sin6_family = af = AF_INET6;
+        sa6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+        sa = (struct sockaddr *) &sa6;
+        salen = sizeof(sa6);
+        sa_port = &sa6.sin6_port;
+    } else {
+        pa_log("Could not determine which address family to use");
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    pa_zero(sa4);
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+    pa_zero(sa6);
+    if ((fd = pa_socket_cloexec(af, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
+        pa_log("socket() failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno));
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMESTAMP, &one, sizeof(one)) < 0) {
+        pa_log("setsockopt(SO_TIMESTAMP) failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno));
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    pa_log("SO_TIMESTAMP unsupported on this platform");
+    goto fail;
+    one = 1;
+    if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one)) < 0) {
+        pa_log("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno));
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    do {
+        *sa_port = htons(port);
+        if (bind(fd, sa, salen) < 0 && errno != EADDRINUSE) {
+            pa_log("bind_socket() failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno));
+            goto fail;
+        }
+        break;
+    } while (++port > 0);
+    pa_log_debug("Socket bound to port %d (SOCK_DGRAM)", port);
+    *actual_port = port;
+    return fd;
+    if (fd >= 0)
+        pa_close(fd);
+    return -1;
+static int udp_send_timing_packet(pa_raop_client *c, const uint32_t data[6], uint64_t received) {
+    uint32_t packet[8];
+    struct timeval tv;
+    ssize_t written = 0;
+    uint64_t trs = 0;
+    int rv = 1;
+    memcpy(packet, udp_timming_header, sizeof(udp_timming_header));
+    /* Copying originate timestamp from the incoming request packet. */
+    packet[2] = data[4];
+    packet[3] = data[5];
+    /* Set the receive timestamp to reception time. */
+    packet[4] = htonl(received >> 32);
+    packet[5] = htonl(received & 0xffffffff);
+    /* Set the transmit timestamp to current time. */
+    trs = timeval_to_ntp(pa_rtclock_get(&tv));
+    packet[6] = htonl(trs >> 32);
+    packet[7] = htonl(trs & 0xffffffff);
+    written = pa_loop_write(c->udp_timing_fd, packet, sizeof(packet), NULL);
+    if (written == sizeof(packet))
+        rv = 0;
+    return rv;
+static int udp_send_sync_packet(pa_raop_client *c, uint32_t stamp) {
+    const uint32_t delay = 88200;
+    uint32_t packet[5];
+    struct timeval tv;
+    ssize_t written = 0;
+    uint64_t trs = 0;
+    int rv = 1;
+    memcpy(packet, udp_sync_header, sizeof(udp_sync_header));
+    if (c->udp_first_packet)
+        packet[0] |= 0x10;
+    stamp -= delay;
+    packet[1] = htonl(stamp);
+    /* Set the transmited timestamp to current time. */
+    trs = timeval_to_ntp(pa_rtclock_get(&tv));
+    packet[2] = htonl(trs >> 32);
+    packet[3] = htonl(trs & 0xffffffff);
+    stamp += delay;
+    packet[4] = htonl(stamp);
+    written = pa_loop_write(c->udp_control_fd, packet, sizeof(packet), NULL);
+    if (written == sizeof(packet))
+        rv = 0;
+    return rv;
+static void udp_build_audio_header(pa_raop_client *c, uint32_t *buffer, size_t size) {
+    pa_assert(size >= sizeof(udp_audio_header));
+    memcpy(buffer, udp_audio_header, sizeof(udp_audio_header));
+    if (c->udp_first_packet)
+        buffer[0] |= htonl((uint32_t) 0x80 << 16);
+    buffer[0] |= htonl((uint32_t) c->seq);
+    buffer[1] = htonl(c->rtptime);
+    buffer[2] = htonl(c->udp_ssrc);
+/* Audio retransmission header:
+ * [0]    RTP v2: 0x80
+ * [1]    Payload type: 0x56 + 0x80 (marker == on)
+ * [2]    Unknown; seems always 0x01
+ * [3]    Unknown; seems some random number around 0x20~0x40
+ * [4,5]  Original RTP header htons(0x8060)
+ * [6,7]  Packet sequence number to be retransmitted
+ * [8,11] Original RTP timestamp on the lost packet */
+static void udp_build_retrans_header(uint32_t *buffer, size_t size, uint16_t seq_num) {
+    uint8_t x = 0x30; /* FIXME: what's this?? */
+    pa_assert(size >= sizeof(uint32_t) * 2);
+    buffer[0] = htonl((uint32_t) 0x80000000
+                      | ((uint32_t) UDP_PAYLOAD_RETRANSMIT_REPLY | 0x80) << 16
+                      | 0x0100
+                      | x);
+    buffer[1] = htonl((uint32_t) 0x80600000 | seq_num);
+static ssize_t udp_send_audio_packet(pa_raop_client *c, bool retrans, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) {
+    ssize_t length;
+    int fd = retrans ? c->udp_control_fd : c->udp_stream_fd;
+    length = pa_write(fd, buffer, size, NULL);
+    if (length < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
+        pa_log_debug("Discarding audio packet %d due to EAGAIN", c->seq);
+        length = size;
+    }
+    return length;
+static void do_rtsp_announce(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    char *key, *iv, *sac = NULL, *sdp;
+    uint16_t rand_data;
+    const char *ip;
+    char *url;
+    ip = pa_rtsp_localip(c->rtsp);
+    /* First of all set the url properly. */
+    url = pa_sprintf_malloc("rtsp://%s/%s", ip, c->sid);
+    pa_rtsp_set_url(c->rtsp, url);
+    pa_xfree(url);
+    /* UDP protocol does not need "Apple-Challenge" at announce. */
+    if (c->protocol == RAOP_TCP) {
+        pa_random(&rand_data, sizeof(rand_data));
+        pa_raop_base64_encode(&rand_data, sizeof(rand_data), &sac);
+        rtrimchar(sac, '=');
+        pa_rtsp_add_header(c->rtsp, "Apple-Challenge", sac);
+    }
+    if (c->encryption) {
+        iv = pa_raop_secret_get_iv(c->aes);
+        rtrimchar(iv, '=');
+        key = pa_raop_secret_get_key(c->aes);
+        rtrimchar(key, '=');
+        sdp = pa_sprintf_malloc(
+            "v=0\r\n"
+            "o=iTunes %s 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n"
+            "s=iTunes\r\n"
+            "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n"
+            "t=0 0\r\n"
+            "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96\r\n"
+            "a=rtpmap:96 AppleLossless\r\n"
+            "a=fmtp:96 %d 0 16 40 10 14 2 255 0 0 44100\r\n"
+            "a=rsaaeskey:%s\r\n"
+            "a=aesiv:%s\r\n",
+            c->sid, ip, c->host,
+            c->protocol == RAOP_TCP ? 4096 : UDP_FRAMES_PER_PACKET,
+            key, iv);
+        pa_xfree(iv);
+        pa_xfree(key);
+    } else {
+        sdp = pa_sprintf_malloc(
+            "v=0\r\n"
+            "o=iTunes %s 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n"
+            "s=iTunes\r\n"
+            "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n"
+            "t=0 0\r\n"
+            "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96\r\n"
+            "a=rtpmap:96 AppleLossless\r\n"
+            "a=fmtp:96 %d 0 16 40 10 14 2 255 0 0 44100\r\n",
+            c->sid, ip, c->host,
+            c->protocol == RAOP_TCP ? 4096 : UDP_FRAMES_PER_PACKET);
+    }
+    pa_rtsp_announce(c->rtsp, sdp);
+    pa_xfree(sac);
+    pa_xfree(sdp);
+static void tcp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_headerlist* headers, void *userdata) {
+    pa_raop_client* c = userdata;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(rtsp);
+    pa_assert(rtsp == c->rtsp);
+    switch (state) {
+        case STATE_CONNECT: {
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: CONNECTED");
+            do_rtsp_announce(c);
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_OPTIONS:
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: OPTIONS");
+            break;
+        case STATE_ANNOUNCE:
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: ANNOUNCED");
+            pa_rtsp_remove_header(c->rtsp, "Apple-Challenge");
+            pa_rtsp_setup(c->rtsp, NULL);
+            break;
+        case STATE_SETUP: {
+            char *aj = pa_xstrdup(pa_headerlist_gets(headers, "Audio-Jack-Status"));
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: SETUP");
+            if (aj) {
+                char *token, *pc;
+                char delimiters[] = ";";
+                const char* token_state = NULL;
+                c->jack_type = JACK_TYPE_ANALOG;
+                c->jack_status = JACK_STATUS_DISCONNECTED;
+                while ((token = pa_split(aj, delimiters, &token_state))) {
+                    if ((pc = strstr(token, "="))) {
+                      *pc = 0;
+                      if (pa_streq(token, "type") && pa_streq(pc+1, "digital")) {
+                          c->jack_type = JACK_TYPE_DIGITAL;
+                      }
+                    } else {
+                        if (pa_streq(token, "connected"))
+                            c->jack_status = JACK_STATUS_CONNECTED;
+                    }
+                    pa_xfree(token);
+                }
+                pa_xfree(aj);
+            } else {
+                pa_log_warn("Audio Jack Status missing");
+            }
+            pa_rtsp_record(c->rtsp, &c->seq, &c->rtptime);
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_RECORD: {
+            uint32_t port = pa_rtsp_serverport(c->rtsp);
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: RECORDED");
+            if (!(c->tcp_sc = pa_socket_client_new_string(c->core->mainloop, true, c->host, port))) {
+                pa_log("failed to connect to server '%s:%d'", c->host, port);
+                return;
+            }
+            pa_socket_client_set_callback(c->tcp_sc, tcp_on_connection, c);
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_FLUSH:
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: FLUSHED");
+            break;
+        case STATE_TEARDOWN:
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: TEARDOWN");
+            break;
+        case STATE_SET_PARAMETER:
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: SET_PARAMETER");
+            break;
+            pa_assert(c->tcp_closed_callback);
+            pa_assert(c->rtsp);
+            pa_log_debug("RTSP control channel closed");
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            if (c->tcp_fd > 0) {
+                /* We do not close the fd, we leave it to the closed callback to do that */
+                c->tcp_fd = -1;
+            }
+            if (c->tcp_sc) {
+                pa_socket_client_unref(c->tcp_sc);
+                c->tcp_sc = NULL;
+            }
+            pa_xfree(c->sid);
+            c->sid = NULL;
+            c->tcp_closed_callback(c->tcp_closed_userdata);
+            break;
+    }
+static void udp_rtsp_cb(pa_rtsp_client *rtsp, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_headerlist *headers, void *userdata) {
+    pa_raop_client *c = userdata;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(rtsp);
+    pa_assert(rtsp == c->rtsp);
+    switch (state) {
+        case STATE_CONNECT: {
+            uint16_t rand;
+            char *sac;
+            /* Set the Apple-Challenge key */
+            pa_random(&rand, sizeof(rand));
+            pa_raop_base64_encode(&rand, sizeof(rand), &sac);
+            rtrimchar(sac, '=');
+            pa_rtsp_add_header(c->rtsp, "Apple-Challenge", sac);
+            pa_rtsp_options(c->rtsp);
+            pa_xfree(sac);
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_OPTIONS: {
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: OPTIONS");
+            pa_rtsp_remove_header(c->rtsp, "Apple-Challenge");
+            do_rtsp_announce(c);
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_ANNOUNCE: {
+            char *trs;
+            pa_assert(c->udp_control_fd < 0);
+            pa_assert(c->udp_timing_fd < 0);
+            c->udp_control_fd = open_bind_udp_socket(c, &c->udp_my_control_port);
+            if (c->udp_control_fd < 0)
+                goto error_announce;
+            c->udp_timing_fd  = open_bind_udp_socket(c, &c->udp_my_timing_port);
+            if (c->udp_timing_fd < 0)
+                goto error_announce;
+            trs = pa_sprintf_malloc("RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=%d;timing_port=%d",
+                c->udp_my_control_port,
+                c->udp_my_timing_port);
+            pa_rtsp_setup(c->rtsp, trs);
+            pa_xfree(trs);
+            break;
+        error_announce:
+            if (c->udp_control_fd > 0) {
+                pa_close(c->udp_control_fd);
+                c->udp_control_fd = -1;
+            }
+            if (c->udp_timing_fd > 0) {
+                pa_close(c->udp_timing_fd);
+                c->udp_timing_fd = -1;
+            }
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            c->udp_my_control_port     = UDP_DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT;
+            c->udp_server_control_port = UDP_DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT;
+            c->udp_my_timing_port      = UDP_DEFAULT_TIMING_PORT;
+            c->udp_server_timing_port  = UDP_DEFAULT_TIMING_PORT;
+            pa_log_error("aborting RTSP announce, failed creating required sockets");
+        }
+        case STATE_SETUP: {
+            uint32_t stream_port = UDP_DEFAULT_AUDIO_PORT;
+            char *ajs, *trs, *token, *pc;
+            char delimiters[] = ";";
+            const char *token_state = NULL;
+            uint32_t port = 0;
+            int ret;
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: SETUP");
+            ajs = pa_xstrdup(pa_headerlist_gets(headers, "Audio-Jack-Status"));
+            trs = pa_xstrdup(pa_headerlist_gets(headers, "Transport"));
+            if (ajs) {
+                c->jack_type = JACK_TYPE_ANALOG;
+                c->jack_status = JACK_STATUS_DISCONNECTED;
+                while ((token = pa_split(ajs, delimiters, &token_state))) {
+                    if ((pc = strstr(token, "="))) {
+                      *pc = 0;
+                      if (pa_streq(token, "type") && pa_streq(pc + 1, "digital"))
+                          c->jack_type = JACK_TYPE_DIGITAL;
+                    } else {
+                        if (pa_streq(token, "connected"))
+                            c->jack_status = JACK_STATUS_CONNECTED;
+                    }
+                    pa_xfree(token);
+                }
+            } else {
+                pa_log_warn("Audio-Jack-Status missing");
+            }
+            token_state = NULL;
+            if (trs) {
+                /* Now parse out the server port component of the response. */
+                while ((token = pa_split(trs, delimiters, &token_state))) {
+                    if ((pc = strstr(token, "="))) {
+                        *pc = 0;
+                        if (pa_streq(token, "control_port")) {
+                            port = 0;
+                            pa_atou(pc + 1, &port);
+                            c->udp_server_control_port = port;
+                        }
+                        if (pa_streq(token, "timing_port")) {
+                            port = 0;
+                            pa_atou(pc + 1, &port);
+                            c->udp_server_timing_port = port;
+                        }
+                        *pc = '=';
+                    }
+                    pa_xfree(token);
+                }
+            } else {
+                pa_log_warn("Transport missing");
+            }
+            pa_xfree(ajs);
+            pa_xfree(trs);
+            stream_port = pa_rtsp_serverport(c->rtsp);
+            if (stream_port == 0)
+                goto error;
+            if (c->udp_server_control_port == 0 || c->udp_server_timing_port == 0)
+                goto error;
+            pa_log_debug("Using server_port=%d, control_port=%d & timing_port=%d",
+                stream_port,
+                c->udp_server_control_port,
+                c->udp_server_timing_port);
+            pa_assert(c->udp_stream_fd < 0);
+            pa_assert(c->udp_control_fd >= 0);
+            pa_assert(c->udp_timing_fd >= 0);
+            c->udp_stream_fd = connect_udp_socket(c, -1, stream_port);
+            if (c->udp_stream_fd <= 0)
+                goto error;
+            ret = connect_udp_socket(c, c->udp_control_fd,
+                                     c->udp_server_control_port);
+            if (ret < 0)
+                goto error;
+            ret = connect_udp_socket(c, c->udp_timing_fd,
+                                     c->udp_server_timing_port);
+            if (ret < 0)
+                goto error;
+            c->udp_setup_callback(c->udp_control_fd, c->udp_timing_fd, c->udp_setup_userdata);
+            pa_rtsp_record(c->rtsp, &c->seq, &c->rtptime);
+            break;
+        error:
+            if (c->udp_stream_fd > 0) {
+                pa_close(c->udp_stream_fd);
+                c->udp_stream_fd = -1;
+            }
+            if (c->udp_control_fd > 0) {
+                pa_close(c->udp_control_fd);
+                c->udp_control_fd = -1;
+            }
+            if (c->udp_timing_fd > 0) {
+                pa_close(c->udp_timing_fd);
+                c->udp_timing_fd = -1;
+            }
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            c->udp_my_control_port     = UDP_DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT;
+            c->udp_server_control_port = UDP_DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT;
+            c->udp_my_timing_port      = UDP_DEFAULT_TIMING_PORT;
+            c->udp_server_timing_port  = UDP_DEFAULT_TIMING_PORT;
+            pa_log_error("aborting RTSP setup, failed creating required sockets");
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_RECORD: {
+            int32_t latency = 0;
+            uint32_t rand;
+            char *alt;
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: RECORD");
+            alt = pa_xstrdup(pa_headerlist_gets(headers, "Audio-Latency"));
+            /* Generate a random synchronization source identifier from this session. */
+            pa_random(&rand, sizeof(rand));
+            c->udp_ssrc = rand;
+            if (alt)
+                pa_atoi(alt, &latency);
+            c->udp_first_packet = true;
+            c->udp_sync_count = 0;
+            c->is_recording = true;
+            c->udp_record_callback(c->udp_setup_userdata);
+            pa_xfree(alt);
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_SET_PARAMETER: {
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: SET_PARAMETER");
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_FLUSH: {
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: FLUSHED");
+            c->is_recording = false;
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_TEARDOWN: {
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: TEARDOWN");
+            pa_assert(c->udp_disconnected_callback);
+            pa_assert(c->rtsp);
+            c->is_recording = false;
+            pa_rtsp_disconnect(c->rtsp);
+            if (c->udp_stream_fd > 0) {
+                pa_close(c->udp_stream_fd);
+                c->udp_stream_fd = -1;
+            }
+            pa_log_debug("RTSP control channel closed (teardown)");
+            pa_raop_pb_clear(c->packet_buffer);
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            pa_xfree(c->sid);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            c->sid = NULL;
+            /*
+              Callback for cleanup -- e.g. pollfd
+              Share the disconnected callback since TEARDOWN event
+              is essentially equivalent to DISCONNECTED.
+              In case some special treatment turns out to be required
+              for TEARDOWN in future, a new callback function may be
+              defined and used.
+            */
+            c->udp_disconnected_callback(c->udp_disconnected_userdata);
+            /* Control and timing fds are closed by udp_sink_process_msg,
+               after it disables poll */
+            c->udp_control_fd = -1;
+            c->udp_timing_fd = -1;
+            break;
+        }
+        case STATE_DISCONNECTED: {
+            pa_log_debug("RAOP: DISCONNECTED");
+            pa_assert(c->udp_disconnected_callback);
+            pa_assert(c->rtsp);
+            if (c->udp_stream_fd > 0) {
+                pa_close(c->udp_stream_fd);
+                c->udp_stream_fd = -1;
+            }
+            pa_log_debug("RTSP control channel closed (disconnected)");
+            pa_raop_pb_clear(c->packet_buffer);
+            pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+            pa_xfree(c->sid);
+            c->rtsp = NULL;
+            c->sid = NULL;
+            c->udp_disconnected_callback(c->udp_disconnected_userdata);
+            /* Control and timing fds are closed by udp_sink_process_msg,
+               after it disables poll */
+            c->udp_control_fd = -1;
+            c->udp_timing_fd = -1;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+pa_raop_client* pa_raop_client_new(pa_core *core, const char *host, pa_raop_protocol_t protocol) {
+    pa_raop_client* c;
+    pa_parsed_address a;
+    pa_sample_spec ss;
+    pa_assert(core);
+    pa_assert(host);
+    if (pa_parse_address(host, &a) < 0 || a.type == PA_PARSED_ADDRESS_UNIX)
+        return NULL;
+    c = pa_xnew0(pa_raop_client, 1);
+    c->core = core;
+    c->tcp_fd = -1;
+    c->protocol = protocol;
+    c->udp_stream_fd = -1;
+    c->udp_control_fd = -1;
+    c->udp_timing_fd = -1;
+    c->encryption = 0;
+    c->aes = NULL;
+    c->udp_my_control_port     = UDP_DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT;
+    c->udp_server_control_port = UDP_DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT;
+    c->udp_my_timing_port      = UDP_DEFAULT_TIMING_PORT;
+    c->udp_server_timing_port  = UDP_DEFAULT_TIMING_PORT;
+    c->host = pa_xstrdup(a.path_or_host);
+    if (a.port)
+        c->port = a.port;
+    else
+        c->port = DEFAULT_RAOP_PORT;
+    c->is_recording = false;
+    c->udp_first_packet = true;
+    ss = core->default_sample_spec;
+    /* Packet sync interval should be around 1s. */
+    c->udp_sync_interval = ss.rate / UDP_FRAMES_PER_PACKET;
+    c->udp_sync_count = 0;
+    if (c->protocol == RAOP_TCP) {
+        if (pa_raop_client_connect(c)) {
+            pa_raop_client_free(c);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    } else
+        c->packet_buffer = pa_raop_pb_new(UDP_DEFAULT_PKT_BUF_SIZE);
+    return c;
+void pa_raop_client_free(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_raop_pb_delete(c->packet_buffer);
+    if (c->sid)
+        pa_xfree(c->sid);
+    if (c->aes)
+        pa_raop_secret_free(c->aes);
+    if (c->rtsp)
+        pa_rtsp_client_free(c->rtsp);
+    pa_xfree(c->host);
+    pa_xfree(c);
+int pa_raop_client_connect(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    char *sci;
+    struct {
+        uint32_t a;
+        uint32_t b;
+        uint32_t c;
+    } rand_data;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->rtsp) {
+        pa_log_debug("Connection already in progress");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (c->protocol == RAOP_TCP)
+        c->rtsp = pa_rtsp_client_new(c->core->mainloop, c->host, c->port, "iTunes/4.6 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.3)");
+    else
+        c->rtsp = pa_rtsp_client_new(c->core->mainloop, c->host, c->port, "iTunes/7.6.2 (Windows; N;)");
+    /* Generate random instance id. */
+    pa_random(&rand_data, sizeof(rand_data));
+    c->sid = pa_sprintf_malloc("%u", rand_data.a);
+    sci = pa_sprintf_malloc("%08x%08x",rand_data.b, rand_data.c);
+    pa_rtsp_add_header(c->rtsp, "Client-Instance", sci);
+    pa_xfree(sci);
+    if (c->protocol == RAOP_TCP)
+        pa_rtsp_set_callback(c->rtsp, tcp_rtsp_cb, c);
+    else
+        pa_rtsp_set_callback(c->rtsp, udp_rtsp_cb, c);
+    c->is_recording = false;
+    return pa_rtsp_connect(c->rtsp);
+int pa_raop_client_flush(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->rtsp != NULL) {
+        rv = pa_rtsp_flush(c->rtsp, c->seq, c->rtptime);
+        c->udp_sync_count = 0;
+    }
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_teardown(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->rtsp != NULL)
+        rv = pa_rtsp_teardown(c->rtsp);
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_udp_is_alive(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->udp_stream_fd > 0)
+        rv = 1;
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_udp_can_stream(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->is_recording && c->udp_stream_fd > 0)
+        rv = 1;
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_udp_stream(pa_raop_client *c) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    if (c->rtsp != NULL && c->udp_stream_fd > 0) {
+        if (!c->is_recording) {
+            c->udp_first_packet = true;
+            c->udp_sync_count = 0;
+            c->is_recording = true;
+         }
+        rv = 1;
+    }
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_udp_handle_timing_packet(pa_raop_client *c, const uint8_t packet[], ssize_t size) {
+    const uint32_t * data = NULL;
+    uint8_t payload = 0;
+    struct timeval tv;
+    uint64_t rci = 0;
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(packet);
+    /* Timing packets are 32 bytes long: 1 x 8 RTP header (no ssrc) + 3 x 8 NTP timestamps. */
+    if (size != 32 || packet[0] != 0x80)
+    {
+        pa_log_debug("Received an invalid timing packet.");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    data = (uint32_t *) (packet + sizeof(udp_timming_header));
+    rci = timeval_to_ntp(pa_rtclock_get(&tv));
+    /* The market bit is always set (see rfc3550 for packet structure) ! */
+    payload = packet[1] ^ 0x80;
+    switch (payload) {
+            rv = udp_send_timing_packet(c, data, rci);
+            break;
+        default:
+            pa_log_debug("Got an unexpected payload type on timing channel !");
+            return 1;
+    }
+    return rv;
+static int udp_resend_packets(pa_raop_client *c, uint16_t seq_num, uint16_t num_packets) {
+    int rv = -1;
+    uint8_t *data = NULL;
+    ssize_t len = 0;
+    int i = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(num_packets > 0);
+    pa_assert(c->packet_buffer);
+    for (i = seq_num; i < seq_num + num_packets; i++) {
+        len = pa_raop_pb_read_packet(c->packet_buffer, i, (uint8_t **) &data);
+        if (len > 0) {
+            ssize_t r;
+            /* Obtained buffer has a header room for retransmission
+               header */
+            udp_build_retrans_header((uint32_t *) data, len, seq_num);
+            r = udp_send_audio_packet(c, true /* retrans */, data, len);
+            if (r == len)
+                rv = 0;
+            else
+                rv = -1;
+        } else
+            pa_log_debug("Packet not found in retrans buffer: %u", i);
+    }
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_udp_handle_control_packet(pa_raop_client *c, const uint8_t packet[], ssize_t size) {
+    uint8_t payload = 0;
+    int rv = 0;
+    uint16_t seq_num;
+    uint16_t num_packets;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(packet);
+    if ((size != 20 && size != 8) || packet[0] != 0x80)
+    {
+        pa_log_debug("Received an invalid control packet.");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    /* The market bit is always set (see rfc3550 for packet structure) ! */
+    payload = packet[1] ^ 0x80;
+    switch (payload) {
+            pa_assert(size == 8);
+            /* Requested start sequence number */
+            seq_num = ((uint16_t) packet[4]) << 8;
+            seq_num |= (uint16_t) packet[5];
+            /* Number of requested packets starting at requested seq. number */
+            num_packets = (uint16_t) packet[6] << 8;
+            num_packets |= (uint16_t) packet[7];
+            pa_log_debug("Resending %d packets starting at %d", num_packets, seq_num);
+            rv = udp_resend_packets(c, seq_num, num_packets);
+            break;
+            pa_log_debug("Received a retransmit reply packet on control port (this should never happen)");
+            break;
+        default:
+            pa_log_debug("Got an unexpected payload type on control channel: %u !", payload);
+            return 1;
+    }
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_udp_get_blocks_size(pa_raop_client *c, size_t *size) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(size);
+    return rv;
+ssize_t pa_raop_client_udp_send_audio_packet(pa_raop_client *c, pa_memchunk *block) {
+    uint8_t *buf = NULL;
+    ssize_t len;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(block);
+    /* Sync RTP & NTP timestamp if required. */
+    if (c->udp_first_packet || c->udp_sync_count >= c->udp_sync_interval) {
+        udp_send_sync_packet(c, c->rtptime);
+        c->udp_sync_count = 0;
+    } else {
+        c->udp_sync_count++;
+    }
+    buf = pa_memblock_acquire(block->memblock);
+    pa_assert(buf);
+    pa_assert(block->length > 0);
+    udp_build_audio_header(c, (uint32_t *) (buf + block->index), block->length);
+    len = udp_send_audio_packet(c, false, buf + block->index, block->length);
+    /* Store packet for resending in the packet buffer */
+    pa_raop_pb_write_packet(c->packet_buffer, c->seq, buf + block->index,
+                            block->length);
+    c->seq++;
+    pa_memblock_release(block->memblock);
+    if (len > 0) {
+        pa_assert((size_t) len <= block->length);
+        /* UDP packet has to be sent at once, so it is meaningless to
+           preseve the partial data
+           FIXME: This won't happen at least in *NIX systems?? */
+        if (block->length > (size_t) len) {
+            pa_log_warn("Tried to send %zu bytes but managed to send %zu bytes", block->length, len);
+            len = block->length;
+        }
+        block->index += block->length;
+        block->length = 0;
+    }
+    if (c->udp_first_packet)
+        c->udp_first_packet = false;
+    return len;
+/* Adjust volume so that it fits into VOLUME_DEF <= v <= 0 dB */
+pa_volume_t pa_raop_client_adjust_volume(pa_raop_client *c, pa_volume_t volume) {
+    double minv, maxv;
+    if (c->protocol != RAOP_UDP)
+        return volume;
+    maxv = pa_sw_volume_from_dB(0.0);
+    minv = maxv * pow(10.0, (double) VOLUME_DEF / 60.0);
+    return volume - volume * (minv / maxv) + minv;
+int pa_raop_client_set_volume(pa_raop_client *c, pa_volume_t volume) {
+    int rv = 0;
+    double db;
+    char *param;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    db = pa_sw_volume_to_dB(volume);
+    if (db < VOLUME_MIN)
+        db = VOLUME_MIN;
+    else if (db > VOLUME_MAX)
+        db = VOLUME_MAX;
+    pa_log_debug("volume=%u db=%.6f", volume, db);
+    param = pa_sprintf_malloc("volume: %0.6f\r\n",  db);
+    /* We just hit and hope, cannot wait for the callback. */
+    if (c->rtsp != NULL && pa_rtsp_exec_ready(c->rtsp))
+        rv = pa_rtsp_setparameter(c->rtsp, param);
+    pa_xfree(param);
+    return rv;
+int pa_raop_client_encode_sample(pa_raop_client *c, pa_memchunk *raw, pa_memchunk *encoded) {
+    uint16_t len;
+    size_t bufmax;
+    uint8_t *bp, bpos;
+    uint8_t *ibp, *maxibp;
+    int size;
+    uint8_t *b, *p;
+    uint32_t bsize;
+    size_t length;
+    const uint8_t *header;
+    int header_size;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(raw);
+    pa_assert(raw->memblock);
+    pa_assert(raw->length > 0);
+    pa_assert(encoded);
+    if (c->protocol == RAOP_TCP) {
+        header = tcp_audio_header;
+        header_size = sizeof(tcp_audio_header);
+    } else {
+        header = udp_audio_header;
+        header_size = sizeof(udp_audio_header);
+    }
+    /* We have to send 4 byte chunks */
+    bsize = (int)(raw->length / 4);
+    length = bsize * 4;
+    /* Leave 16 bytes extra to allow for the ALAC header which is about 55 bits. */
+    bufmax = length + header_size + 16;
+    pa_memchunk_reset(encoded);
+    encoded->memblock = pa_memblock_new(c->core->mempool, bufmax);
+    b = pa_memblock_acquire(encoded->memblock);
+    memcpy(b, header, header_size);
+    /* Now write the actual samples. */
+    bp = b + header_size;
+    size = bpos = 0;
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,1,3); /* channel=1, stereo */
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,0,4); /* Unknown */
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,0,8); /* Unknown */
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,0,4); /* Unknown */
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,1,1); /* Hassize */
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,0,2); /* Unused */
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,1,1); /* Is-not-compressed */
+    /* Size of data, integer, big endian. */
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,(bsize>>24)&0xff,8);
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,(bsize>>16)&0xff,8);
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,(bsize>>8)&0xff,8);
+    bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,(bsize)&0xff,8);
+    p = pa_memblock_acquire(raw->memblock);
+    p += raw->index;
+    ibp = p;
+    maxibp = p + raw->length - 4;
+    while (ibp <= maxibp) {
+        /* Byte swap stereo data. */
+        bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,*(ibp+1),8);
+        bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,*(ibp+0),8);
+        bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,*(ibp+3),8);
+        bit_writer(&bp,&bpos,&size,*(ibp+2),8);
+        ibp += 4;
+        raw->index += 4;
+        raw->length -= 4;
+    }
+    if (c->protocol == RAOP_UDP)
+        c->rtptime += (ibp - p) / 4;
+    pa_memblock_release(raw->memblock);
+    encoded->length = header_size + size;
+    if (c->protocol == RAOP_TCP) {
+        /* Store the length (endian swapped: make this better). */
+        len = size + header_size - 4;
+        *(b + 2) = len >> 8;
+        *(b + 3) = len & 0xff;
+    }
+    if (c->encryption) {
+        /* Encrypt our data. */
+        pa_raop_aes_encrypt(c->aes, (b + header_size), size);
+    }
+    /* We're done with the chunk. */
+    pa_memblock_release(encoded->memblock);
+    return 0;
+void pa_raop_client_tcp_set_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_cb_t callback, void *userdata) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->tcp_callback = callback;
+    c->tcp_userdata = userdata;
+void pa_raop_client_tcp_set_closed_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_closed_cb_t callback, void *userdata) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->tcp_closed_callback = callback;
+    c->tcp_closed_userdata = userdata;
+void pa_raop_client_set_encryption(pa_raop_client *c, int encryption) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->encryption = encryption;
+    if (c->encryption)
+        c->aes = pa_raop_secret_new();
+void pa_raop_client_udp_set_setup_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_setup_cb_t callback, void *userdata) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->udp_setup_callback = callback;
+    c->udp_setup_userdata = userdata;
+void pa_raop_client_udp_set_record_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_record_cb_t callback, void *userdata) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->udp_record_callback = callback;
+    c->udp_record_userdata = userdata;
+void pa_raop_client_udp_set_disconnected_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_disconnected_cb_t callback, void *userdata) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->udp_disconnected_callback = callback;
+    c->udp_disconnected_userdata = userdata;
diff --git a/src/modules/raop/raop_client.h b/src/modules/raop/raop_client.h
index 5d0bb14..e208349 100644
--- a/src/modules/raop/raop_client.h
+++ b/src/modules/raop/raop_client.h
@@ -37,10 +37,12 @@ typedef struct pa_raop_client pa_raop_client;
 pa_raop_client* pa_raop_client_new(pa_core *core, const char *host, pa_raop_protocol_t protocol);
 void pa_raop_client_free(pa_raop_client *c);
+int pa_raop_client_authenticate (pa_raop_client *c, const char *password);
 int pa_raop_client_connect(pa_raop_client *c);
 int pa_raop_client_flush(pa_raop_client *c);
 int pa_raop_client_teardown(pa_raop_client *c);
+int pa_raop_client_udp_is_authenticated(pa_raop_client *c);
 int pa_raop_client_udp_is_alive(pa_raop_client *c);
 int pa_raop_client_udp_can_stream(pa_raop_client *c);
 int pa_raop_client_udp_stream(pa_raop_client *c);
@@ -61,6 +63,8 @@ void pa_raop_client_tcp_set_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_cb_t call
 typedef void (*pa_raop_client_closed_cb_t)(void *userdata);
 void pa_raop_client_tcp_set_closed_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_closed_cb_t callback, void *userdata);
+typedef void (*pa_raop_client_auth_cb_t)(int status, void *userdata);
+void pa_raop_client_udp_set_auth_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_auth_cb_t callback, void *userdata);
 typedef void (*pa_raop_client_setup_cb_t)(int control_fd, int timing_fd, void *userdata);
 void pa_raop_client_udp_set_setup_callback(pa_raop_client *c, pa_raop_client_setup_cb_t callback, void *userdata);
diff --git a/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.c b/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.c
index 198417e..c6d9ac6 100644
--- a/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.c
+++ b/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.c
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ struct pa_rtsp_client {
     const char *useragent;
     pa_rtsp_state state;
+    pa_rtsp_status status;
     uint8_t waiting;
     pa_headerlist* headers;
@@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ void pa_rtsp_client_free(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
 static void headers_read(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
-    char* token;
     char delimiters[] = ";";
+    char* token;
@@ -165,14 +166,14 @@ static void headers_read(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
     /* Call our callback */
-    c->callback(c, c->state, c->response_headers, c->userdata);
+    c->callback(c, c->state, c->status, c->response_headers, c->userdata);
 static void line_callback(pa_ioline *line, const char *s, void *userdata) {
+    pa_rtsp_client *c = userdata;
     char *delimpos;
     char *s2, *s2p;
-    pa_rtsp_client *c = userdata;
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ static void line_callback(pa_ioline *line, const char *s, void *userdata) {
     if (!s) {
         /* Keep the ioline/iochannel open as they will be freed automatically */
         c->ioline = NULL;
-        c->callback(c, STATE_DISCONNECTED, NULL, c->userdata);
+        c->callback(c, STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATUS_NO_RESPONSE, NULL, c->userdata);
@@ -191,17 +192,35 @@ static void line_callback(pa_ioline *line, const char *s, void *userdata) {
         *s2p = '\0';
         s2p -= 1;
     if (c->waiting && pa_streq(s2, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK")) {
+        if (c->response_headers)
+            pa_headerlist_free(c->response_headers);
+        c->response_headers = pa_headerlist_new();
+        c->status = STATUS_OK;
         c->waiting = 0;
+        goto exit;
+    } else if (c->waiting && pa_streq(s2, "RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized")) {
         if (c->response_headers)
         c->response_headers = pa_headerlist_new();
+        c->status = STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED;
+        c->waiting = 0;
         goto exit;
-    }
-    if (c->waiting) {
-        pa_log_warn("Unexpected response: %s", s2);
+    } else if (c->waiting) {
+        pa_log_warn("Unexpected/Unhandled response: %s", s2);
+        if (pa_streq(s2, "RTSP/1.0 400 Bad Request"))
+            c->status = STATUS_BAD_REQUEST;
+        else if (pa_streq(s2, "RTSP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"))
+            c->status = STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+        else
+            c->status = STATUS_NO_RESPONSE;
         goto exit;
     if (!strlen(s2)) {
         /* End of headers */
         /* We will have a header left from our looping iteration, so add it in :) */
@@ -228,7 +247,7 @@ static void line_callback(pa_ioline *line, const char *s, void *userdata) {
     if (c->last_header && ' ' == s2[0]) {
-        /* Add this line to the buffer (sans the space. */
+        /* Add this line to the buffer (sans the space) */
         pa_strbuf_puts(c->header_buffer, &(s2[1]));
         goto exit;
@@ -270,6 +289,7 @@ static void line_callback(pa_ioline *line, const char *s, void *userdata) {
     /* Save the header name */
     c->last_header = pa_xstrdup(s2);
@@ -317,7 +337,7 @@ static void on_connection(pa_socket_client *sc, pa_iochannel *io, void *userdata
     pa_log_debug("Established RTSP connection from local ip %s", c->localip);
     if (c->callback)
-        c->callback(c, c->state, NULL, c->userdata);
+        c->callback(c, c->state, STATUS_OK, NULL, c->userdata);
 int pa_rtsp_connect(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
@@ -336,6 +356,7 @@ int pa_rtsp_connect(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
     pa_socket_client_set_callback(c->sc, on_connection, c);
     c->waiting = 1;
     c->state = STATE_CONNECT;
+    c->status = STATUS_NO_RESPONSE;
     return 0;
@@ -368,12 +389,25 @@ uint32_t pa_rtsp_serverport(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
     return c->rtp_port;
+bool pa_rtsp_exec_ready(const pa_rtsp_client *c) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    return c->url != NULL && c->ioline != NULL;
 void pa_rtsp_set_url(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *url) {
     c->url = pa_xstrdup(url);
+bool pa_rtsp_has_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key) {
+    pa_assert(c);
+    pa_assert(key);
+    return pa_headerlist_contains(c->headers, key);
 void pa_rtsp_add_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key, const char *value) {
@@ -382,17 +416,18 @@ void pa_rtsp_add_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key, const char *value) {
     pa_headerlist_puts(c->headers, key, value);
-void pa_rtsp_remove_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key) {
+const char* pa_rtsp_get_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key) {
-    pa_headerlist_remove(c->headers, key);
+    return pa_headerlist_gets(c->headers, key);
-bool pa_rtsp_exec_ready(const pa_rtsp_client *c) {
+void pa_rtsp_remove_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key) {
+    pa_assert(key);
-    return c->url != NULL && c->ioline != NULL;
+    pa_headerlist_remove(c->headers, key);
 static int rtsp_exec(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *cmd,
@@ -527,17 +562,6 @@ int pa_rtsp_record(pa_rtsp_client *c, uint16_t *seq, uint32_t *rtptime) {
     return rv;
-int pa_rtsp_teardown(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
-    int rv;
-    pa_assert(c);
-    c->state = STATE_TEARDOWN;
-    rv = rtsp_exec(c, "TEARDOWN", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    return rv;
 int pa_rtsp_setparameter(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *param) {
     int rv;
@@ -570,3 +594,14 @@ int pa_rtsp_flush(pa_rtsp_client *c, uint16_t seq, uint32_t rtptime) {
     return rv;
+int pa_rtsp_teardown(pa_rtsp_client *c) {
+    int rv;
+    pa_assert(c);
+    c->state = STATE_TEARDOWN;
+    rv = rtsp_exec(c, "TEARDOWN", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
+    return rv;
diff --git a/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.h b/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.h
index abc60ee..4a35851 100644
--- a/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.h
+++ b/src/modules/rtp/rtsp_client.h
@@ -31,43 +31,53 @@
 #include "headerlist.h"
 typedef struct pa_rtsp_client pa_rtsp_client;
 typedef enum {
 } pa_rtsp_state;
-typedef void (*pa_rtsp_cb_t)(pa_rtsp_client *c, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_headerlist *hl, void *userdata);
+typedef enum {
+  STATUS_OK             = 200,
+} pa_rtsp_status;
+typedef void (*pa_rtsp_cb_t)(pa_rtsp_client *c, pa_rtsp_state state, pa_rtsp_status code, pa_headerlist *headers, void *userdata);
 pa_rtsp_client* pa_rtsp_client_new(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *hostname, uint16_t port, const char *useragent);
 void pa_rtsp_client_free(pa_rtsp_client *c);
 int pa_rtsp_connect(pa_rtsp_client *c);
 void pa_rtsp_set_callback(pa_rtsp_client *c, pa_rtsp_cb_t callback, void *userdata);
 void pa_rtsp_disconnect(pa_rtsp_client *c);
 const char* pa_rtsp_localip(pa_rtsp_client *c);
 uint32_t pa_rtsp_serverport(pa_rtsp_client *c);
+bool pa_rtsp_exec_ready(const pa_rtsp_client *c);
 void pa_rtsp_set_url(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *url);
+bool pa_rtsp_has_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key);
 void pa_rtsp_add_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key, const char *value);
+const char* pa_rtsp_get_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key);
 void pa_rtsp_remove_header(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *key);
-bool pa_rtsp_exec_ready(const pa_rtsp_client *c);
 int pa_rtsp_options(pa_rtsp_client *c);
 int pa_rtsp_announce(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *sdp);
 int pa_rtsp_setup(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *transport);
 int pa_rtsp_record(pa_rtsp_client *c, uint16_t *seq, uint32_t *rtptime);
-int pa_rtsp_teardown(pa_rtsp_client *c);
 int pa_rtsp_setparameter(pa_rtsp_client *c, const char *param);
 int pa_rtsp_flush(pa_rtsp_client *c, uint16_t seq, uint32_t rtptime);
+int pa_rtsp_teardown(pa_rtsp_client *c);

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