Hi, I have two suggestions how the device reservation can be improved for app developers wanting to have exclusive access to an alsa card: 1. I knew about this scheme only by accident, so I think the discoverability should be improved. Adding a few lines to the PA developer documentation site ([1]) with a link to [2] would already be good (it took me quite a while to even find [2]). Since the most important sound server (PA and jack, right?) are using it and thus it having a good de facto adoption I furthermore suggest adding the spec to the freedesktop.org specifications page. Should I ask about this on the freedesktop mailing list? 2. The spec implies that the reservation is for a whole device (ie. alsa card), so I believe a well-behaving client should not touch a reserved alsa card in any way. But PA only uses the reservation for PCM streams, not for the mixer controls of the card. My suggestion is either fixing PA (my preference) so that it reserves the card before writing any changes to the mixer, or at least making it clear in the spec that the reservation is only for all PCM devices on the corresponding card. Thanks, Zeno Endemann [1] http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/Developer/ [2] http://git.0pointer.net/reserve.git/tree/reserve.txt