02.03.2015 12:32, Xamindar wrote: > Hi Pulseaudio list! > > With a recent update to my Arch system, audio passthrough has stopped > working in Kodi. Kodi no longer shows the passthrough options anymore > either. Here is what I have which has been working fine up until recently. > > -7.1 audio out HDMI (nvidia card) to an Onkyo receiver. > -KDE4 running as my DE with pulseaudio configured and working. > -Pulseaudio set up as the correct 7.1 audio (even get them all in kde) > with passthrough items all checked in pavucontrol. > > I was getting passthrough on the files that had supported codecs and > kodi was handling everything else. Then when I wasn't in Kodi audio was > great in the DE with all other applications. This set up was working > great up until recently. It's as if pulseaudio has stopped supporting > passthrough or my config got overwritten by a default. > > Anyway, a recent update broke all this and the passthrough options have > vanished from the kodi options. The closest I have gotten is setting > sound configuration to stereo in pavucontrol and then the passthrough > options magically appear in kodi again. But still no sound on > passthrough stuff and this option is unacceptable anyway as I don't want > to reduce everything else to stereo just to get passthrough working in > one app. > > Any ideas what went wrong here? Is there a known bug in pulseaudio 6.0 > that causes this breakage? I have read the above, but the main question is unsnswered. Did it work before with non-stereo profiles? My guess so far is that it never worked, and you broke it by enabling the 7.1 profile that was not available before (i.e. I guess that you were using a stereo profile before). -- Alexander E. Patrakov