Thanks a lot. For the record, it seems that: 1. Resampling from closer rates yields less distortion that from rates that are far apart. 2. Upsampling distorts more than downsampling. 3. speex-float-3 gives audible distortion even for close rates. I suppose I these results were to be expected, but it's still nice to have confirmation. Now if I only could check the performance of speex-fixed vs. speex-float on my platform.. :). Laurentiu Nicola On Sun, Sep 14, 2014, at 16:34, Alexander E. Patrakov wrote: > 07.09.2014 17:04, Lauren?iu Nicola wrote: > > Great, thanks! > > > > On Sun, Sep 7, 2014, at 14:02, Alexander E. Patrakov wrote: > >> 07.09.2014 16:58, Lauren?iu Nicola wrote: > >>> I have a question related to your tests. In my application, I need > >>> resampling between close rates (let's say from 44200 to 44100). Do you > >>> feel that the results would basically be the same in this kind of > >>> situation? > >>> > >>> Thanks, > >>> Laurentiu Nicola > >> > >> I have not tested. I will write instructions on the next week, so that > >> you can test yourself every situation that you want to. > > Here are the instructions. Sorry for the delay. > > 1. Choose a sample rate that you will be resampling from. In your case, > this is 44200 Hz. Generate a wav file with this sample rate, containing > a linear sweep: > > ./ --rate 44200 --length $(( 1024 * 1024 )) --amplitude 0.99 > --format s16 --padding 65536 44200.wav > > The length should be sufficient so that for every frequency bin of the > FFT on the next steps the file contains a piece of sufficient-for-FFT > length (or ideally several such pieces) with only that frequency. The > amplitude should be 0.99 to avoid accidental clipping by the resampler. > The padding is unfortunately needed because the recorded wav file from > the resampler on the next step contains unwanted clicks for some unknown > reason. > > 2. Resample the file. An easy but slow way is to use a null sink running > at the rate you want to resample to. Here are the commands: > > pacmd load-module module-null-sink rate=44100 > > parec -d null.monitor --fix-rate --file-format=wav 44200_to_44100.wav & > paplay -d null 44200.wav ; killall parec > > Hopefully these commands are obvious. > > 3. Analyze the result. > > ./ --rate-from 44200 --skip 32768 --save plop > --fftsize 1024 44200_to_44100.wav > > There may be warnings about dropouts. If they are near the end, that's > OK. Also there will be warnings about division by zero, that's because > of the masked-out frequency components. Ignore them. > > The meaning of parameters: rate-from is the sample rate of the original > wav file that contained the linear sweep, skip means "skip this number > of samples from the beginning" (because there is a click). After > skipping, the analysis process skips further through the silent portion > of the resampled file and automatically adapts to any unknown slope of > frequency change. > > The "fftsize" parameter, well, sets the FFT size. Useful values start > from 1024. Below that, the resolution in the low-frequency part of the > spectrum is not sufficient to determine audibility reliably, because the > absolute threshold of hearing changes significantly within one frequency > bin. The FFT size is specified in terms of the frequency bins. The > required number of input samples for each signal piece is twice more, > i.e. 2048 in our case. > > The "save" parameter sets a base of all output filenames. So, you'll get: > > plop_envelope.png: shows the amplitude of output signal vs frequency if > the input signal contains only this frequency at the full scale. > > plop_response.png: a spectrogram. To read it, select an input frequency. > Then cut a column out of this spectrogram according ot the X axis. The > amplitude of each output frequency component is then described by the > color of the column at the height corresponding to the output frequency. > E.g., it can be seen that, when given a 5 kHz input signal, the > src-sinc-fastest resampler also produces some very weak unwanted output > at 18 kHz. > > plop_distortion_eq.png: the same, but with the line representing the > wanted same-frequency output suppressed. I.e. only distortions, with the > assumption that wanted-signal attenuation does not count as a distortion. > > plop_distortion.png: the same, but with the same line replaced by the > difference of wanted vs actual same-frequency output. I.e. only > distortions, and the attenuation of the signal now counts as a > distortion. > > plop_audibility_eq.png: audibility of distortions (i.e. how much should > one reduce the distortion before it becomes inaudible) given the input > signal containing only this frequency at the maximum amplitude, if > attenuation of high signal frequencies does not count as a distortion. > > plop_audibility.png: the same, but now such attenuation counts as a > distortion. > > The results are valid only in the absolutely quiet room, i.e. represent > the worst case. > > One of the plots from src-sinc-fastest is attached for you to compare. > > -- > Alexander E. Patrakov > Email had 1 attachment: > + plop_audibility_eq.png > 65k (image/png)