Quickie question, relating (indirectly) to the info that David provided on server association: Suppose I want to run a user PAD on hostA, and allow it to accept control connections from (say) pavucontrol or pactl running on hostB. How does one set things up to permit that? Trying "pactl --server=hostA" (executed on hostB) results in "connection refused", which makes sense, since netstat shows that the only listening sockets in use by the PAD on hostA are the unix domain sockets /tmp/.esd-NNN/socket and /run/user/NNN/pulse/native. But no TCP (or UDP) ports are in use by the PAD. I didn't see anything in pulseaudio.1 or in pulse-daemon.conf.5 about how to permit remote connections, or any sort of port specification options, or anything of that sort that would hint at how to go about allowing remote connections to a local PAD. What's the magic incanation? Or am I entirely misinterpreting that such a thing is even possible?