[PATCH RFCv3 43/51] core: Add volume-util.h

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On 2014-11-06 16:48, Arun Raghavan wrote:
> On 6 November 2014 21:07, Peter Meerwald <pmeerw at pmeerw.net> wrote:
>>>> implement inlineable functions PA_CVOLUME_VALID(),
>>>> PA_CVOLUME_IS_NORM() that assume data is valid
>>> Why are these uppercase? AFAIK, we don't usually uppercase inline functions.
>> I've modelled after e.g. PA_ALIGN_PTR() in pulsecore/macro.h or
>> PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED() in source.h
>> I think there is no clear rule; I'd prefer PA_CVOLUME_IS_NORM() to
>> pa_cvolume_is_norm_internal() or pa_cvolume_is_norm_unchecked()
>> thanks, p.
> My preference is lower case for functions (I suspect the exceptions
> began as macros).

My preference is to avoid uppercase too. I think it's okay to move the 
pa_assert to pa_assert_fp in general if the asserts end up being CPU 
intensive - rather than making one pa_cvolume_is_norm() and one 
pa_cvolume_is_norm_unchecked() function.

David Henningsson, Canonical Ltd.

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