I think I've discovered a bug in the way the cookies are created since 3.0 changed the default location of the cookies in order to adhere to the XDG Base Directory Specification Or maybe I am just calling/using PulseAudio incorrectly.. If I run: C:\Program Files\x2goclient\pulseaudio-3.0-win32>pulseaudio.exe -F c:\Users\mike\x2go-temp\config.pa where config.pa contains the lines: load-module module-native-protocol-tcp port=4713 load-module module-esound-protocol-tcp port=4714 load-module module-waveout Then a cookie is created at along with its parent dirs: C:\Users\mike\.config\pulse\cookie If I override the environment variable USERPROFILE from "C:\Users\mike\" to any other value, then the cookie is still created relative to that variable. However, if I set the environment variable: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=C:\Users\mike\ Then this directory is created along with its parent dirs, but the cookie is not: C:\Users\mike\.config\pulse\ If I set this environment variable instead: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=C:\Users\mike\ Then this directory is created along with its parent dirs, but the cookie is not: C:\Users\mike\pulse\mothership-7-32-runtime\ (mothership-7-32 is this VM's hostname) Finally, if I set both aforementioned XDG environment variables, Then this directory is created, and the cookie is not: C:\Users\mike\pulse\ -Mike DePaulo win32 Package Maintainer for the X2Go Project