Using pulseaudio-5.0 and gnome-session/gnome-shell-3.10.x compiled from source on tinycorelinux x86_64. If I start gnome-session from the console prompt, pulseaudio only shows a dummy output, even though my hardware is detected as per aplay/alsamixer. D: [pulseaudio] module.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/local/lib/pulse/modules/': success I: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: Found 0 cards. On the same machine and without changing anything, if I first start another window manager (flwm) from the console prompt, pulseaudio works fine. If I then exit back to the console prompt and start gnome-session, pulseaudio also works fine. The only issue being that the speaker test in gnome-control-center does not produce any sound. I don't understand why pulseaudio/gnome-session would not work in the first case, but does work in the second case. I suppose it's a permissions issue, but the same user is being used in both cases. Any trouble-shooting pointers would be much appreciated. Regards John