Tanu Kaskinen wrote: > Patch review status updated: > http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Software/PulseAudio/PatchStatus/ > > > I started collecting some statistics about the patch queue, I'll copy > that bit here too: > > * 2013-11-29: > * 61 patches are pending review (not counting the "in a github branch" > patches). > * The oldest pending patch is 135 days old. > Let me try changing this by providing a review. Resampler implementations From: poljar (Damir Jeli?) Submission date: 2013-09-06(?) In a github branch: https://github.com/poljar/pulseaudio/commits/resampler_implementations_v2 My review: justification for this work is currently missing. I would expect some comparisons with the existing resamplers to be posted on the mailing list, or, if they were posted already, a link to be added to the patch review page. As I have already expressed, we should aim either for one perfect feature-complete resampler, or a small number plus a technical document justifying (a) the tradeoffs that are at play here and (b) why these tradeoffs should be exposed to the user. In other words: if one of the added resamplers is strictly better than e.g. speex, then add it and drop speex. If speex is strictly better than one of the added resamplers, drop that resampler. If no resampler is strictly better than the other, document this and document whether pulseaudio has enough information to make a decision automatically in each case. -- Alexander E. Patrakov