Hello I use PulseAudio daily with KDE 4. Recently, I've encountered a problem that I can't seem to solve on my own and I'd like to request assistance from this mailing list. Being a bit cautious about closed source applications and any data they may be sending (call me paranoid), I keep a 'noremote' user, with iptables configured to drop any tcp or udp packets coming from this uid. Then I launch the program with simple 'sudo -u noremote'. I've recently bought GuitarPro and attempted this procedure, only to find that it won't work with PulseAudio. GuitarPro is built to use PA directly, and from what I've found it seems that PA is suited for single-user workstation, expecting only one user at the moment. From what I've googled, it seems that 'system mode' would enable PA use with multiple users at once, but I've read 'What is wrong with system mode' to learn that it's unsupported and brings certain limitations. So here I'm asking, if using PA in system mode is discouraged, does it provide any other facility to use in my scenario?