FYI, the wine audio guys are discussing how/whether to report a bug against pulseaudio: "From: Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at What is the PulseAudio underrun bug? As I see that the PA team is preparing release candidates for 1.0, I wonder whether the Wine team communicated them the issues we face. Browsing open tickets I found nothing obvious. The PA bug, as I face it in Ubuntu Lucid, is not something that happens randomly after N minutes or hours. It is *immediately* detectable. Symptoms: 1. winecfg audio test hangs. But Wine is a complex program, so I wrote a trivial one as follows: - set generic hw_params - prefill snd_pcm_write with e.g. 100ms of data; - start ALSA or use hw_params_set_start_threshold; - print out snd_pcm_state, snd_pcm_avail_update and snd_pcm_delay in a loop. 2. avail_update and avail_delay will freeze approx. at the time underrun would have happened with plug:dmix or plughw:0. In particular, delay will not decrease below < 0. ..." See also