Hello I have the following occurring every 5 seconds in syslog. I wanted to offer to submit a patch for review to remove some of the duplicate lines. Observed on Ubuntu 10.10 x86: pulseaudio 1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu21.1 See text below where I have numbered the lines. 1. Feb 19 10:39:20 note pulseaudio[29470]: socket-server.c: bind(): Address already in use 2. Feb 19 10:39:20 note pulseaudio[29470]: module.c: Failed to load module "module-esound-protocol-unix" (argument: ""): initialization failed. 3. Feb 19 10:39:20 note pulseaudio[29470]: main.c: Module load failed. 4. Feb 19 10:39:20 note pulseaudio[29470]: main.c: Failed to initialise daemon. 5. Feb 19 10:39:20 note pulseaudio[29468]: main.c: Daemon startup failed. (3) is a dup of (2) (4) is a dup of (5) Would a patch be supported for review which removed these duplicate messages from the output? In addition, https://tango.0pointer.de does not have a signed SSL cert. Could it get a CAcert one? Or even a verisign SSL cert. Currently we get a firefox warning when connecting. Best regards, Jon