Hello all, I recently purchased a ASUS Xonar Essense STX card and I'm interested in tweaking pulseaudio to get the most sine wave for my buck. For those of you that may or may not know, the card above has a hardware chip for up to 24-bit/192kHz processing. I plan on using the card for music listening and single source recording (think vinyl records). No audio production here so low-latency throughput doesn't matter to me. Google searching for a few days has driven me to this mailing list as I cannot find any straight answer. The PA wiki doesn't seem to have an audiophile area. Background info: Most of my music are 16-bit/44.1kHz recordings. I am expanding more and more of it to include 24-bit/96kHz. I have a fast, quad-core CPU so CPU usage will not be a problem if I need to use a resampler that is computationally expensive. My limited knowledge of audio properties has made me ask myself three things: 1) Is Pulseaudio even the right man for the job? A friend of mine wants to do away with PA and use Jack. He's only using it for music listening (no recording) so this seems like a bad idea. Is it? I still need to be able to have sounds come from non-music player apps. Example: wine for Starcraft 2 ;) 2) default-sample-format Is it beneficial to set this to s32le? Any negative effects for 16-bit tracks? 3) default-sample-rate Is it beneficial to set this to 96000? I realize anything beyond this is not able to be comprehended by our brains so I don't see a need to flirt with the 192kHz top range of the card. However, the same friend from above feels that upsampling constantly "is a bad thing" and should be avoided because of going from 44.1k to 96k "averages samples". Is this right? How else will I hear my 96k recordings if I leave PA on 44.1k? Any other tips or comments are appreciated. Thanks, Michael