> #! /usr/bin/expect > > spawn pacmd > expect ">>>" > send "set-default-source alsa_input.usb-Generic_FREETALK_Everyman_0000000001-00-Everyman.analog-stereo\r" > expect ">>>" > send "exit=\r" Oops, that last line is triple wrong. Actually, the script as given works, but it shouldn't. There's a typo of an added "=", and even worse there's the use of "exit" which would be appropriate in many shells, but in pacmd tells the utility to kill the daemon - not what's wanted, but it fortunately fails to do that even with the "=" removed. Happily, leaving that last line off entirely works. The script does need the second expect line for ">>>" that's before it, for some reason. Then expect gets out of the shell without an explicit exit or ctrl-C or whatever, happily. I'm sure the script could be expanded to also send the output somewhere specific, or whatever. You could set up a whole row of buttons in your panel to send system-specific commands, or groups of them, to pacmd via expect scripts. Makes me feel a little better about the prospects of pulse, even if this is way too hackish in its little way. Whit