On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 22:43 +0100, Nix wrote: > But I'm getting this when I try to *start* the user-configured server > on that machine, via e.g. start-pulseaudio-x11! > > With this in place, how are you supposed to start PA at all? (I'm not > even entirely clear what a 'user-configured server' is. A server that > the user has configured? A server meant to run under the user's > privileges, as opposed to a systemwide PA? Something else?) "User-configured" means that there's a server address configured either by setting the PULSE_SERVER environment variable, by setting the PULSE_SERVER X11 root window property, or by setting the default-server option in client.conf. The logic is that if one of those is set, then the server that the user wants to use is probably running on some other machine, or even if the configuration points to the local machine, the server is already running. Maybe the log message needs to be more elaborate. Some of the above explanation could be used. Since the assumptions that the code is based break on your configuration, apparently some documentation is needed somewhere in order to prevent the users from shooting themselves in the foot (hopefully documentation is a sufficient fix). So, in order to figure out the place where you would have needed some more warnings, could you tell where and why have you set the server address? -- Tanu Kaskinen