rulet1 at wrote: > Anybode knows how to solve this bug? > No. It is even not known whether this is a hardware or software bug. Back in 2004 or 2005, I have tested several sound cards before buying one of them, and found some to have the whistle bug even in Windows. However, the origin of this bug varies. So let's start from the obvious (for me) and rule out one particular hardware issue (the analog amplifier not liking the capacity of the cable). You'll need headphones with a very short cable (< 80cm, the ones from an iPod are fine), and a long (5m or so) extension cable. Make sure you know perfectly how to switch this whistle on and off (it seems that you do). Configure the system so that it is on. Then, unplug the speakers, plug in the headphones. Do they whistle differently? Does the tone of the whistle change if you connect your speakers or headphones to the sound card using a long extension cable? Now, configure the system so that the whistle is off (or in the ultrasound frequency range - who knows without an oscilloscope). Try all combinations of connecting speakers/headphones with/without the long cable. Does at least one of them bring the whistle back on? If you find that the length of the cable does have an effect on the whistle, then it is certainly a hardware bug in the output amplifier. -- Alexander E. Patrakov