Hi, I'm trying to understand the output from pacmd. My problem is that pacmd list-sinks outputs: "configured latency: 0,00 ms; range is 56,00 .. 371,52 ms" (no client connected) And when running the test program from the bottom of this message, pacmd list-sink-inputs always outputs "requested latency: 56,00 ms". Testing randomly I found that changing "tlength = pa_usec_to_bytes(atoi(argv[3]) * 1e3, &ss)," for ".tlength = 2 * pa_usec_to_bytes(atoi(argv[3]) * 1e3, &ss)," I always get 20 ms less than what I would expect. So "./pulse-test 48000 2 120" makes pacmd list-sink-inputs return "requested latency: 100,00 ms". I'm running PulseAudio 0.9.19 on openSUSE 11.2. Perhaps it's a bug already fixed in a later versions? Thanks. #include <stdio.h> #include <pulse/simple.h> #include <pulse/error.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const pa_sample_spec ss = { .format = PA_SAMPLE_S16LE, .rate = atoi(argv[1]), .channels = atoi(argv[2]) }; const pa_buffer_attr buffer_attr = { .maxlength = -1, .tlength = pa_usec_to_bytes(atoi(argv[3]) * 1e3, &ss), .prebuf = -1, .minreq = -1, .fragsize = -1 }; int error = 0; pa_simple *s = pa_simple_new(NULL, "test", PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK, NULL, "test", &ss, NULL, &buffer_attr, &error); printf("error: %s\n", pa_strerror(error)); sleep(15); }