ti, 2010-04-06 kello 18:17 +0200, Fabrice DELENTE kirjoitti: > > The man page says this: > > > > -n Don't load default script file default.pa (see > > below) > > on startup. Useful in conjunction with -C or --file. > > > > I guess your problem with your config file is that you're not using it > > at all. > > Thanks for the tips, I had guessed about this :^) > > However, I still don't know if I need to start the daemon at boot time (if > so, how? su to user pulse before starting the daemon? doing it as root?). I suggest you read these three blog articles by Colin Guthrie: http://colin.guthr.ie/2009/08/sound-on-linux-is-confusing-defuzzing-part-1-alsa/ http://colin.guthr.ie/2009/08/sound-on-linux-is-confusing-defuzzing-part-2-pulseaudio/ http://colin.guthr.ie/2009/08/sound-on-linux-anti-fud-calm-certainty-and-confidence/ The second is the one that gives answers to those particular questions. > I guess alsa starts the daemon when it needs it (that what the "pulse" alsa > type is for, right?) but then how do I tell it to use such or such config > file? Is it hard-coded in the daemon? Or is there a central config file that > must be present no matter what? Then, how do I create and edit such a file? So maybe you didn't start from http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/FirstSteps after all? Because that page says "The best idea is to configure your daemon in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and /etc/pulse/default.pa and to run pulseaudio without any arguments." /etc/pulse/ is the central place for pulseaudio configuration. The files there can be overridden with files in ~/.pulse/ (so if for example ~/.pulse/default.pa exists, it will be used instead of /etc/pulse/default.pa). You should not need to edit any of the configuration files. But if you must, see "man pulse-daemon.conf" for daemon.conf documentation and http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/CLI and http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/Modules for default.pa documentation (default.pa is really a script that uses the CLI syntax). -- Tanu Kaskinen