I did some testing on our LAN with one laptop sending audio over rtp and the other receiving the data and playing it locally. The estimation of timing is very jittery, and the sampling rate is changed in very large steps (eg. 44.1->53kHz). The current code allows for 50% increases without setting a maximum bound. The result is audible pitch changes every 5s; this is very disturbing on cords and other tonal instruments. This patch forces additional smoothing and clamps possible variations of sampling rate at 1% of the nominal rate defined in the sdp session. Ideally we should enforce a stronger smoothing on the time estimation, there's no reason why such variations should occur. I forced the smoothing history to 20s, maybe there's a better way to do this. Cheers Pierre -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 0001-module-rtp-recv-limit-sample-rate-changes.patch Type: application/octet-stream Size: 2139 bytes Desc: not available URL: <http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/pulseaudio-discuss/attachments/20100405/1c694a12/attachment.obj>