Hi, I am adding (trying to add) pulse support to an application I author. But no matter what I do, I can't get it to play correct sound. Here is the sordid history. I first added pa_simple support as this seemed tailor made for what I want to do - send buffers of data at regular intervals to a sound device. I used the sample from the web page and looked at implementations from several other applications - Csound, sox, helix-player. It compiled cleanly, gave every indication it was working, but the sound that came out sounded like a dying whale. I traced it in gdb to the point of writing the buffer as a chunk someplace, and everything looked fine. So I upgraded to using the standard model - I copied the xmms-pulse plugin.c as a template and modified it until it compiled on my system without issues. Same problem, sound is horrible. To actually use callbacks would require a complete change in architecture for the application, and I'm not going there. I then put in modifications to tweak the buffer sizes on the server from the defaults with the same result. I check writable, and sleep until there is enough space for a buffer of sound, write it and generate the next buffer.