Hi, I recently upgraded to PulseAudio 0.9.18 on a Debian testing/unstable mix. On starting pulseaudio, no ALSA cards were detected by pulseaudio, though there are two present. With debug level information being output, pulseaudio stated only: I: module-udev-detect.c: Found 0 cards. I have talked to a couple of other people who seem to be having this problem. Using printf debugging, I found that processing was at least reaching module-udev-detect.c:process_device for each card, which makes me suspect the udev_device_get_action() logic, as I believe, on startup, the devices will not have an associated action. To test this, I ran 'udevadm trigger', which resulted in both cards being detected. However, I now cannot reproduce the original problem. HTH, Matthew W.S. Bell