I'm developing an application which takes data off the network from a hardware device and plays it out the speaker. This is a continual stream of 32 ksps data from a dedicated ADC. I'm trying to keep the latency to the sound subsystem down below 80ms or so. Is this a reasonable latency to achieve under a 9.10 Ubuntu machine, using relatively uninteresting intel audio hardware? In experiments (following http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/LatencyControl ) I can get measured latencies down to around 40 ms at first, but then i get a few drop-outs and the latencies bump to 60, then 80, then... eventually getting up to 200+ ms. I'm curious if this is designed behavior (is pulse trying to adaptively change the latency / buffer size to prevent dropouts?) or if I'm doing something wrong here. Thanks, ...Eric