Hi On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 12:59 AM, Marc-Andr? Lureau <marcandre.lureau at gmail.com> wrote: > + > + ? ?s = pa_proplist_gets(d->sink ? d->sink->proplist : d->source->proplist, "suspend-on-idle.timeout"); > + ? ?if (!s || pa_atou(s, &timeout) < 0) > + ? ? ?timeout = d->userdata->timeout; I realize we have already "module-stream-restore.id". Should I rename property to "module-suspend-on-idle.timeout"? > ? ? if (d->sink) > - ? ? ? ?pa_log_debug("Sink %s becomes idle.", d->sink->name); > + ? ? ? ?pa_log_debug("Sink %s becomes idle, timeout in %u.", d->sink->name, timeout); > ? ? if (d->source) > - ? ? ? ?pa_log_debug("Source %s becomes idle.", d->source->name); > + ? ? ? ?pa_log_debug("Source %s becomes idle, timeout in %u.", d->source->name, timeout); May be "%u seconds" would be more friendly. regards, -- Marc-Andr? Lureau Sent from Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland