On Sun, 1 Mar 2009, Sergio wrote: > Finn Thain a ?crit : > > > When I posted that patch I had not actually tried to link any other > > solaris apps with the pulseaudio client libraries. But Csound piqued > > my curiosity. So I ported it to solaris. If you want the patch and > > build scripts let me know. > > > I commited the attached patch (SConstruct and source files) in the > Csound forum : not very complete, but sufficient to work with CS (some > extra opcodes, FLTK widgets, etc.) Did any part of your patch get committed upstream? I admit I haven't looked in the Csound repo... My patch covers some of the same ground that you already covered. I've done a few things differently: e.g. sunos5 == solaris. Also, you changed the type of len_t. The system provided one is u_longlong_t, whereas the old one was long. Also I've avoided built-in macros like "sun". So I think it might be best to move Sun Pro parts of your patch, and the double precision arithmetic parts, and any multi-arch parts into seperate patches. I think my patch is wrong WRT to the 64 bit python checks in SConstruct. And I patched some stuff that I've not compiled since beause I didn't build the deps yet, and some modules I've not patched at all (for the same reason). But this is all a bit off-topic for this mailing list. We should move this thread to email or to a different list. > > > > The realtime scheduling works (both csound and pulseaudio). > > > > Here a little synthesis of my issue with Pulseaudio-09.6/Csound > > https://tango.0pointer.de/pipermail/pulseaudio-discuss/2008-December/002705.html > > > But now the best is probably that i build Pulseaudio-09.14 with the > patch you posted some days ago. That would be great. It needs wider testing. Especially things like 64-bit hardware including SPARC, also slower CPUs and more ./configure options etc. I've uploaded my Csound patch and the script I used to build everything -- http://www.telegraphics.com.au/~fthain/pulseaudio/ Hopefully it will save you some effort. For example there's a bunch of packages that I build just so I could run bootstrap.sh for pulseaudio. Unfortunately there's no easy way around that until we have a pulseaudio release with a new configure script. Finn > > Cheers, > > Sergio > >