Hi, Lennart if you aren't keeping an eye on the discussion in article comments here is the reply: segedunum said... "You know, I really, really worry about Lennart more than any developer I have yet seen. Once again he goes on the offensive but addresses nothing of what is written in the article. He keeps posting back to that rather inadequate article he did about the state of audio on Linux where he bludgeons the need for PulseAudio in. I cannot believe the mental gymnastics people go to to justify it, and no, per application volumes and mixing is not enough. It is totally obvious if you look at the architecture that if you put in layers between the application and the sound card you will add latency. Jack at least seems to have been made with a particular use case and set of benchmarks in mind. When it does processing as Pulse does, as well as various other things Lennart deemed necessary, then it will add *a lot* of latency and even worse the latency will not be predictable at all. You have to be incredibly stupid or totally blind not to understand that. Having been through the experience I will *never* make a Skype call with Pulse in the middle ever again. In addition, we've got all sorts of silly side-issues such as how one volume slider should be enough for anyone in Fedora. Want to adjust any other volume levels, and heaven forbid, line-in? Tough. It's not a use case for Lennart. Keep in mind that there's nothing unusual in this. That's all we're talking about here. Using the volume controls you have always been able to use on any system: If you want to do weird stuff, use weird tools. Don't expect us to support all the exotic use cases minds could come up with to support in a single simple UI. http://lwn.net/Articles/330684/ At the moment I'm involved in a bit of a company project to create a Linux desktop environment for our Rails developers to work with. I've even had a situation with OpenSuse 11.1 in testing where no sound comes out. I uninstall all the PulseAudio packages and it starts working. It's going to be cheaper just to get Macs with this brain damage going on." -- http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com/ linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org. ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic