Hello, thanks for the work on PulseAudio! I would like to ask a question, and will try to be as precise as I my limited knowledge allows. I would like to capture the audio on the PCM channel, i.e., the mixed sound stream that is sent to my notebook's speakers. I have read in forums that Windows Vista achieves the behaviour I am aiming at by offering a virtual audio channel called "what you hear" among the list of capture sources. I do not have Windows Vista, so I could not see this working myself. I would however like to do the same in Fedora 11. So I wonder if Pulseaudio can create a "virtual loopback" by taking the PCM channel and feeding it back (besides sending it to the speakers, of course) into a sound capture channel that can then be selected as the default capture source that sound-capturing applications will use (actually, I would like to use recordmydesktop to simultaneously capture video and audio of my desktop session). I am not sure if providing this capability is a job for PA. In fact, I actually had first filed a bug against ALSA on the topic (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=502293) but I had little luck. Then I thought that since the issue is about routing audio streams, it may definitely fall into the scope of PA. Being far from an expert on the matter, I apologize for the noise if this is not the case. I would however be curious to know if PA currently provides any solution to this issue, and if not, whether this could happen soon in a future version. Thanks!