Sounds really great! I'm running pulseaudio 0.9.5 on Solaris Express X86 for a while, but the newer pulsaudio releases use atomic_ops and this is not available on Solaris. The atomic operations delivered with Solaris are not a drop-in replacement. If anyone want to help solving this, this would enable to use the current pulsaudio releases as well. If we could work together this would be really great. To see how I build by RPM build-recipe see first the spec file and the referenced patches here: or here This uses a build environment also used for building GNOME on Solaris, with a separate svn repository of 900+ build recipes. And if we think pulseaudio should o into the OpenSolaris contrib packages, then the build recipe can be requested to be included for automatic build. Again, I think newer pulsaudio releases need a replacement for the atomic_ops, any help welcome. Thomas