Hi, I have an ARM-based embedded platform I have developed a pulseaudio client for. The client needs to play and record (from line in/mic) audio simultaneously in 8 kHz. When I run the application on my x86-based dev-system the application works nicely, but when I run on target I get no data from the line-in interface. The stream read callback is never called and if I try polling to see the amount of readable data it says 0 bytes. Unfortunately I can only get pulseaudio 0.9.11 and earlier to build in Open Embedded which I use to build my target environment (libtool version problem) and on my devsystem I use 0.9.14, but I have been careful not to use any API-function that is new. If I run pulseaudio in an interactive shell and run list-sources I can see that module-alsa-source is autoloaded and that my client is connected to the source, but the current latency keeps increasing with time. After trying to record approx. 10 s the latency will be 10 s. The line-in interface works nicely with alsa so alsa supports the chip (ak4647) nicely. I have also tried to connect to the monitor stream of the sink, but I do not get any data from that source either. A pulseaudio -vvv log of a test run can be found at: http://pastebin.com/fb6c4400 . (Should this be handled using pastebin, attached files or in the mail itself?) Any help are much appreciated! Best regards, Erik Boto