On Mon, 20.04.09 17:48, A. C. Censi (accensi at gmail.com) wrote: > In my Ubuntu Jaunty Beta, with Pulseaudio 0.9.15 from PPA repo, with a > ICE1724 card (Chaintech AV710) the surround channels are not detected by > Pulse. > > Log with --log-level-4 is attached. AV710 and motherboard HDA are listed, > only HDA surround channels are detected. > > It could be an ALSA driver problem? > > How to help diagnose it? There are no working surround51:, surround71: style definitions for ICE cards. This has been brought up on the alsa mls a couple of times. To not much result. I think the problem is basically that alsa userspace cannot distuingish the different ice cards and hence has no clue how the different channels are wired up. I.e. it doesn't know which channel is front-left, and which one is rear-right. Hence it cannot provide the 'surround51:' style device names which PA needs. This is an ALSA issue, has nothing to do with PA. Please ask them for further help. Lennart -- Lennart Poettering Red Hat, Inc. lennart [at] poettering [dot] net ICQ# 11060553 http://0pointer.net/lennart/ GnuPG 0x1A015CC4